Wow where has the year gone. Wendy had been off for 4 days and we have had fun just hanging out together and watching (Lost) one of my Christmas gifts. It just didn't feel like Christmas with all my girl not being here. We were able to talk to all of them with the phone and the computer and see them with the web cam.
Well 2 more days and that will end this year eh? I have been practicing almost every night getting ready for our New Years Eve gig. That will be a busy evening. We have to set up at
4 :00pm. so not to disturb the evening meal and then I think we play while they are having dinner and then we take a break and they feed us. After that I think we play for about a half an hour and then break for 15 minutes while they do their presentation, then we are back at it for another half hour and it will continue like that until about 10 :00pm. Usually they pack it in about then and then we have to pack everything up and get out of there.
This is our Last gig with the Kompanions for the year and if I sell my house soon it might well be my very last gig with them. It has been lots of fun playing with Benny and Henk and I sure will miss them when I move. A couple of really neat guys. I am going to miss The Harmonica Rascals as well. I have been playing with them for the last 11 years. For sure I'll stay in touch and am hoping they can find a new lead player. Every time I am back in the city I'll have to stop in at The Golden Hour Clock shop and see my friends Ronnie and Hess. They are a couple of real nice people.
Well Wendy is back at work and I have to get things cleaned up around here just in case someone wants to show my house today. A lady called yesterday but we missed the call. sigh.
Saturday, December 29, 2007
Saturday, December 22, 2007
Saturday December 22,2007
Good morning everyone. Hope you are having a pleasant day today. Wendy is working and I'm not going to tell you what I'm doing. I'll let you guess. hahaha. well our house still hasn't sold so we are not sure what the Lord has in store for us. We just got word that the house we were hoping to buy in Picture Butte has an offer on it but I'm not sure how firm that is. I tried to call the Real Estate fellow that was showing us the house but he hasn't called back yet.
It is going to be a quiet Christmas around here for sure this year. Wendy is working on Christmas eve from 6:30pm to 6:30 am. so I believe she will be sleeping Christmas morning for a while. Then she will be off for 4 days so that is good. I guess I'll be going to the Christmas eve service by myself.
Well didn't finish this so might just as well add to it eh?
We had a kidless Christmas this year. sigh . Wendy slept until about 12:30 and then she went and picked up her sister and her 3 children. We had dinner about 4pm. Then played a few games and talked about a lot of nothing. just had a good old relaxing time. Wendy took them home about 11:30pm and that was our Christmas day. It was a good day and we had fun with the kids. I really missed all our kids but I guess that s life eh?
It is going to be a quiet Christmas around here for sure this year. Wendy is working on Christmas eve from 6:30pm to 6:30 am. so I believe she will be sleeping Christmas morning for a while. Then she will be off for 4 days so that is good. I guess I'll be going to the Christmas eve service by myself.
Well didn't finish this so might just as well add to it eh?
We had a kidless Christmas this year. sigh . Wendy slept until about 12:30 and then she went and picked up her sister and her 3 children. We had dinner about 4pm. Then played a few games and talked about a lot of nothing. just had a good old relaxing time. Wendy took them home about 11:30pm and that was our Christmas day. It was a good day and we had fun with the kids. I really missed all our kids but I guess that s life eh?
Monday, December 17, 2007
Monday Morning . Dec.17, 2007

Where has the year gone? Here it is only7 more days before Christmas. It will be the first year with out kids for Christmas.(sigh) Mandy and Jorge will be in Concepion Chile with Jorge family. Kristy and Bob will be in South Africa and Tanya and Tom and the kids are in Lethbridge.
Wendy has to work the night shift on the 24th so she will be home on Christmas day about 7:00am. Oh well I'm sure the Lord has it all planned out for us. We are still waiting for someone to make an offer on our beautiful little old house.
Today is going to be a busy one for me. I play with the Kompanions at the River Bend Nursing Home today at 2:00pm. so I have to get my amp, harmonicas and all the equipment ready and loaded in the car to go. I have to go to St Albert and pick up Henk and then we head to the south side to be there and set up about 1:00pm. It usually takes us about 3/4 of and hour to set all the amps and music stands and get everything wired in. It is usually a lot of fun and as long as the people enjoy it that will make our day worth while. Today we will do a lot of Christmas songs.
Well I should get ready so I won't be late. I pray that you will all have a great day.
God bless you all.
Saturday, December 15, 2007
Saturday December 15th. 2007
Well here I am again and don't really have a lot to write about. Well that is probably not true there is a lot I could write about but just don't feel like it. I seem to have lost interest in a lot of things lately. Maybe just getting old or just plain stupid. Probably the later is more the truth who knows.
Well our house still hasn't sold and Wendy has a job in Lethbridge and who knows where that is going to lead us. I don't seem to have any control over it anyway so just go with the flow I guess.
Well anyway I finished painting the hall way that goes downstairs. I have been going to do that for a long time but just didn't have the energy. Well maybe tomorrow I'll give it a second coat and that should be the last thing that I do in this old house. If it sells. I guess the next guy will have to do the painting someday eh? I guess it's all in the Lords hands and he doesn't seem to be in any rush so guess I should just sit back and wait and see what he has planned for us.
Hope you all have a great day.
Well our house still hasn't sold and Wendy has a job in Lethbridge and who knows where that is going to lead us. I don't seem to have any control over it anyway so just go with the flow I guess.
Well anyway I finished painting the hall way that goes downstairs. I have been going to do that for a long time but just didn't have the energy. Well maybe tomorrow I'll give it a second coat and that should be the last thing that I do in this old house. If it sells. I guess the next guy will have to do the painting someday eh? I guess it's all in the Lords hands and he doesn't seem to be in any rush so guess I should just sit back and wait and see what he has planned for us.
Hope you all have a great day.
Saturday, December 01, 2007
December 1,2007

So where did the months go. Boy it has been a while since I blogged eh? Well I have to tell you all that I am finally feeling better. It has been a long 4 months. I still don't have all my energy back but it is coming slow but sure. I had a bladder infection that set me back a few weeks but I am over that now. It has taken a lot longer than I expected. I go for another PSA test on Dec. 14th. I have been staying pretty close to home since the operation. Wendy was waiting on me a lot and I kind of liked that but I think it has stopped a bit lately. Wendy has her name on the list for a new hip so when that happens I hope I can do lots for her until she is healed. She has been my strength through all of this. Thanks sweetie.
Well lets see what can I write about. I put a new set of kitchen faucets in our kitchen yesterday. I had to put new drains in our sinks as they were pretty old and when I put a little pressure on the pipe yesterday one broke and while repairing that one the other broke. sigh I think I went to Canadian Tire yesterday 4 times for parts. I think it would have been cheaper and a lot easier to call a plumber. In fact I did call one but he didn't seem to be to anxious to come over but did give me instruction on how to shut the water off . Thursday evening while finishing up the dishes about 9:30 pm. I went to shut the hot water off and it would not stop running. Something happen to the cartriage and it wouldn't shut off. I quickly ran down stairs to shut the water off in the house and the handle on the valve broke in my hand. Guess its been a long time since we shut the water off eh? I went back up stairs and got a pair of vice grips and tried to use them but it wouldn't even move so I went back up stairs and fooled around with the hot water tap and finally got it shut off. I thought good I'll wait until morning and call my plumber friend Ray. Well when I called him at 8 am. he suggested that I try again to shut the water off and told me how to do it and it worked.
Today Wendy and I spent about 3 hours looking at houses on the internet. Sure is a lot of houses for sale. Tonight we are going out to dinner with some friends and then I have to go to the Dutch Club and help them with their Christmas dance.
I have been practicing my harmonica a lot lately just maybe I get good eh? I think we have a few gigs this month and then we play on New Years Eve. If I sell my house and move I think the one thing that I'll miss the most is playing with the guys. For a bunch of old farts they are the greatest and for sure I will miss playing the gigs and practicing with them. I have been playing with them for the last 10 or 11 years now. I'm sure they will find someone to replace me.
Anyway I am feeling better and I think I'll be getting out a bit more now. Christmas is coming and I'm getting fat. Got to get out and do a lot more walking and maybe volunteering at the Church again eh? Staying home to much makes me grumpy as if I need and excuse eh?
Well we started our Mens group up again last Wednesday and that was great. There were 8 of us. Well I think thats about all I can think of to write about right now. I pray that you'll all have a great day and that God will bless each one of you reading this. Oh I am going to post a picture on this to show you how dangerous it is living with Wendy. Ha ha
Friday, November 16, 2007
Friday evening November16,2007
Well as you can see I'm not a very good blogger. Sometimes I blog and sometimes I don't. I guess you could call me a hit and miss blogger eh? Well for the last few weeks I haven't felt very good and find it kind of hard to blog. Today I feel pretty good so here goes.
This morning I got up and went to the old computer and talked to my daughter Kristy, who is in South Africa. I also talked to Mandy who is in Chile and Tanya who is in Lethbridge for a few minutes. In fact we were all on line at once for a while. Then I went out and put some stuff in the shed for the winter. Should have been done a few weeks back but no snow so no rush eh? Then at 11am. I went bowling at ED's at the Mall. Didn't do great but you can't be good all the time I guess. 192, 210 214 and then 140 sigh. Then I came home got something to eat and headed over to Superior Lumber where I used to work and bought a hand rail for downstairs. Came home and put that up and then baked a cake. Wendy got home about 4:30pm. I had supper and here I am blogging . So when I finish I will put the frosting on the cake and if any of you guys want some come on over. I can put a pot of tea or coffee on and it won't take long to make. It's a yellow cake and I think I'll put a white or Chocolate icing on it not sure which one you like. haha Well I think I have blogged enough so I am going up stairs and watch a little NCIS season 3, I think. Have a great evening and God Bless you all.
This morning I got up and went to the old computer and talked to my daughter Kristy, who is in South Africa. I also talked to Mandy who is in Chile and Tanya who is in Lethbridge for a few minutes. In fact we were all on line at once for a while. Then I went out and put some stuff in the shed for the winter. Should have been done a few weeks back but no snow so no rush eh? Then at 11am. I went bowling at ED's at the Mall. Didn't do great but you can't be good all the time I guess. 192, 210 214 and then 140 sigh. Then I came home got something to eat and headed over to Superior Lumber where I used to work and bought a hand rail for downstairs. Came home and put that up and then baked a cake. Wendy got home about 4:30pm. I had supper and here I am blogging . So when I finish I will put the frosting on the cake and if any of you guys want some come on over. I can put a pot of tea or coffee on and it won't take long to make. It's a yellow cake and I think I'll put a white or Chocolate icing on it not sure which one you like. haha Well I think I have blogged enough so I am going up stairs and watch a little NCIS season 3, I think. Have a great evening and God Bless you all.
Friday, November 09, 2007
Friday Afternoon November 10,2007
Well here it is November already. Boy where did the summer go. How times flies even if you aren't having fun. sigh. Today I feel pretty good. Yesterday was a bad day and we won't go into that. Sure is taking a long time to heal. Hope those doctors know what they are talking about. They say it is normal for this type of operation. I sometime wonder. Oh well nothing I can do about it except gripe eh?Yesterday I think I slept most of the day away. I did a small job on Tuesday and I think that did me in. Yesterday every bone in my body seem to ache. I just felt lousy. I didn't bowl today as I really didn't feel up to it so just hanging out with Wendy and went shopping at Superstore and then we went to Sears and then to the south side to another store. We bought a pressure cooker. Now all we have to do is learn how to use it eh? Wendy went to a cooking class last night and that got us started.
Our daughter Tanya and her husband Tom and our grandchildren are on their way from Lethbridge. It will be fun having them for the weekend. Tom got off early today so they are on their way. We went shopping this morning to stock the cupboards. They are going to th Fort Sunday to see Tom's parents. Sounds like a fun week end with lots of little feet running around.
Papa sure does love them little ones. Wendy is off work today and tomorrow so that will be good. Well I was going to bake a cake but Wendy is baking cookies so guess I'll wait on the cake thing.
Got a news letter from my friend Bill Pendergast and he is doing better and thanks everyone for their prayers.
Well thats all I have to say for right now so have a great day and God Bless you all.
Our daughter Tanya and her husband Tom and our grandchildren are on their way from Lethbridge. It will be fun having them for the weekend. Tom got off early today so they are on their way. We went shopping this morning to stock the cupboards. They are going to th Fort Sunday to see Tom's parents. Sounds like a fun week end with lots of little feet running around.
Papa sure does love them little ones. Wendy is off work today and tomorrow so that will be good. Well I was going to bake a cake but Wendy is baking cookies so guess I'll wait on the cake thing.
Got a news letter from my friend Bill Pendergast and he is doing better and thanks everyone for their prayers.
Well thats all I have to say for right now so have a great day and God Bless you all.
Monday, November 05, 2007
Monday Afternoon
Well I guess it about time I updated this silly old blog eh? Life hasn't been too exciting so not much to blog about. So far we have had lots of people looking at our house but no one has been interested enough to make an offer. Sigh.I have had a couple of bad days but today I feel a bit better. Sure seems to be taking a long time to heal but that the way it goes I guess. I just don't seem to have the energy that I used to have and I sure get tired a whole lot quicker. Maybe I'm just getting old.(Ya think?)
Well I went for breakfast with the Seniors at A & W this morning and then after that I went bowling. Didn't do very well. Just didn't feeling like throwing that stupid old bowling ball to hard.For some reason I just didn't enjoy it to much today. Of course when you don't bowl good it doesn't help either. Wendy is working the late shift tonight and I have to go practice at the Dutch Club with the Harmonika Rascals.
Tomorrow I plan to do a little job that needs to be finished so maybe I'll feel better doing something.
have a great day and God Bless you all.
Well I went for breakfast with the Seniors at A & W this morning and then after that I went bowling. Didn't do very well. Just didn't feeling like throwing that stupid old bowling ball to hard.For some reason I just didn't enjoy it to much today. Of course when you don't bowl good it doesn't help either. Wendy is working the late shift tonight and I have to go practice at the Dutch Club with the Harmonika Rascals.
Tomorrow I plan to do a little job that needs to be finished so maybe I'll feel better doing something.
have a great day and God Bless you all.
Tuesday, October 30, 2007
Today is Bobs birthday
Happy Birthday to Bob. I'm not sure he'll read this blog but I am wishing him a happy birthday anyway. Sure do miss you Bob. I hope and pray that you will have a very happy birthday today. I'm sure they will make a fuss over you there if they know that today is your birthday. I'm thinking that Kristy will tell everyone. We already celibrated your birthday once eh? Lets see if the people that read this know just how old Bob is.Bob if you were here I'd bye you a great big steak. Well I think I'll bye you one anyway but I guess I'll have to eat it eh?? SIGH. I pray that you will have a great day.
Love you lots Bob
Saturday, October 27, 2007
Saturday evening Oct.27,2007

Well on Thursday some friends of our invited us over to their house on Friday evening for desert and to play games. I'm not really a game player but I did enjoy it. We played 2 different games and I'm not sure what the real name of the games were.They invited another couple to come and play as well. Would you believe Wendy knew the couple from back in the 70's in Yellow knife and Bible school. They were chatting about old time all night. We didn't get home until about 11:30pm. Way past my bed time. Ha ha. Oh we had cake and tea for desert. Really good. I'm thinking maybe we should play games more often. Friday I bowled at Red in West Edmonton Mall. Did really good for an old fellow. We bowled 4 games and I had 203, 183, 212 and 139. I should have quit after 3 games. The last one was bad. It's always fun to bowl with the guys. They are a super bunch of guys and we always have a lots of good laughs.
Today Wendy went to take her sister shopping on the south side and I guess the traffic was just terrible. I'm glad I didn't have to go out. I stayed and home and made some labels for a few of the CD's that I recorded from practice tapes. If anyone is interested send me your address and I will mail you one. If I was smart enough and if I knew how I think I could e-mail some songs but I'm not sure how that is done. Maybe I should ask Tom eh? It would probably take up a lot of space on you computer too. Tomorrow I have to take Mrs. and Mr. Mulbier to church and then I have and interview at 9:30 for a gal that is getting baptised. They are showing our house again from 2 to 4 pm. so guess we'll have to find something to do for a few hours.
Oh here is a picture fo the couple that invited us over. Allen and Susan Powles. Guess I caught him with his mouth open eh?? Sorry Allen.
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
Wednesday evening

Well today was another busy day for me. It started this morning by bowling with the seniors league. I didn't do so well today but it is always good to meet and chat to a lot of the guys at the bowling alley. Surprisingly I am one of the younger ones. It seems they are all older than me. Well maybe not all but most of them are. Anyway after bowling I came home and worked on a puzzle that Wendy got out yesterday.
Then at 5:30 my friend Ron picked me up and we went to the men's meeting at the church. We used to have a meeting at my house but some of our guys signed up for the classes at the church so we decided to go check it out. It was good but there are a lot of guys and they are doing a video and working through a book. It is a good bible study. I think I will go again next week.
Well I have a friend that commented on my blog asking about my Harmonica's and how long I have been playing and what my favorite song is. Well lets see I started play the Harmonica when I was 5 years old. So I guess that makes it about 66 years. Boy that sounds like a long time eh? I used to play sometimes at school and then at dances. When people know you play they would often ask me to play a song with them. I have played with a few bands back in New York but nothing ever amounted to much. Then I sort of just played at home until 10 years ago. I found out that there was a group of Harmonica players here in Edmonton that practiced at The Dutch Canadian Club. The Harmonika Rascals. I went and listened to them and they were looking for a lead player because their lead player had passed away. It was a bit hard for me at first because I play by ear and they played a lot of Dutch music but I soon learned most of their song and became their lead Harmonica player. Then after playing with them for about a year we started a trio and called it The Kompanions. The three of us seem to click and we played a bit different music. A lot of the 50, 60 and 70's. Then Later on about 2 year ago another group called the Harmoniciares started. So now I play with 3 groups and play different type of music with each group. I really enjoy playing with the different groups and enjoy the variety of songs that we play. I think because of the different groups and different songs it has made me a better Harmonica player. The Harmonica is not and instrument that you hear a lots. I play what is called the Chromatic which is not as popular as the little Harmonica's that they play the Blues on. The Chromatic is a larger harmonica and you can play sharps and flats on.With the Chromatic you play all the notes and on the small Blues harmonica you can't play all the notes so you have to what they call bend some notes to make it sound right. I really enjoy playing the harmonica but I don't find many people playing it today. One of my favorite songs is ( I only have eyes for you). It is a song that was popular when I met Wendy and it was our favorite.
Well it is getting late and I have a busy day tomorrow. Love you all and God Bless you.
Tuesday, October 23, 2007
Tuesday evening
Well today was a busy one. I served at the church for the Senior's Luncheon. There were lots of them out today. They are always so pleasant and a lot of them were asking about Mandy and Jorge and Kristy and Bob. The crew that I work with is just a super bunch of people. It is a lot of fun and you got to love those Seniors. It is good to see so many get out every month. Not sure if I'll be that pleasant when I'm a Senior eh? ( wait I think I'm already there) sigh. Anyway after the lunch I came home and we talked to Kristy and Casandra on MSN for a while then Wendy went to meet some of her friends. I watched a little TV and checked my e-mail and then went down and played my Harmonica's for a while. I need the practice.
Tomorrow I'm off at 9 to the bowling lanes and then in the evening I'm back at the church for a meeting that they are having for the Men of the church. We used to have our Mens group on Wed. evening but because of the classes they are holding at the church and some of our guys signed up for it so I guess for now we are all or mostly all going to the classes for a while.
Well its time I hit the sack. It's getting late. God Bless you all.
Tomorrow I'm off at 9 to the bowling lanes and then in the evening I'm back at the church for a meeting that they are having for the Men of the church. We used to have our Mens group on Wed. evening but because of the classes they are holding at the church and some of our guys signed up for it so I guess for now we are all or mostly all going to the classes for a while.
Well its time I hit the sack. It's getting late. God Bless you all.
Monday, October 22, 2007
Monday Afternoon and all is not well.
This morning I was up at 7:30 put out the dog and the garbage and then we were off to A&W for breakfast with the Seniors. (Me and Mattie) We got home and I went and bowled 3 games and did terrible. Then Wendy called and told me about our Saturn which we had towed to the garage this morning because it wouldn't start. Another $600.00. It just never ends. Guess I am going to have to get a full time job of some sort soon just to keep up the cars eh?
Oh well I hope and Pray that your day will be better than mine today. Mine could get better. I think I had better pray about this eh?
Have a good day
God Bless you all
Oh well I hope and Pray that your day will be better than mine today. Mine could get better. I think I had better pray about this eh?
Have a good day
God Bless you all
Sunday, October 21, 2007
Sunday morning an all is well

Well here I am blogging at some crazy hour in the morning. Just couldn't sleep. Was awake at 3am. but Wendy's blog and a few others kept me busy for a few minutes.
Well Yesterday 2 of my niece's and a nephew came to my house and stayed while Wendy and Pip went to the Women's Alive conference. We had supper and then headed out. I had to play at The Lynwood nursing home with The Harmonika Rascals and we had a showing of our house so I took both Andrew and Bethany with me. Samantha went to a youth meeting or something not sure what. I'm not sure they were impressed with our music but they sat and put up with our noise for an hour. It is always fun playing with those guys and I thought it went well. There was a lot of people there and they said they liked it. Our bass and cord player Henk was away so we had another fellow(Roger ) fill in for Henk. Then we had to do a Dairy Queen run . Not sure that was the best idea at that time of night but it was good. Of course it was all none fat stuff. Then Samantha got home after a long bus ride and we got her something to eat and then it was off to bed to get our beauty sleep. Not sure it did much for me. I am not sure why they call it beauty sleep because when I wake up I look terrible. I think I looked better before I went to bed. (sigh)
Then Saturday morning I was up early and off to the church where we served breakfast to 250 ladies at the church. It is always fun working with the group at the church and the ladies are always so pleasant. I had to leave about 11:30 and take the kids home and get the house ready for an open house from 1 to 4pm. When I got home the kids had the house all cleaned up dishes all done and beds all made. Maybe I should have them over more often eh? It was nice having the kids over, my house has been to quiet lately. I drove the kids home and stopped in to see my friend Hess and Ronnie. There is always a good cup of tea there when I go there and Hess always has a cookie hanging around.
Then I headed home and watched a little TV. Yes a little because I rested my eyes a little too. Well maybe quite a little. Then Wendy and Pip came home and we went to Church to the evening service. Well that's my story and I sticking to it.
I hope and pray that you all have a great day and may God Bless you all.
Friday, October 19, 2007
Friday Morning
Well lets see where do I start. Last night Wendy and I went to a concert at West Edmonton Christian Assembly. It was Paul Baloche and Robin Mark. They were really good and we enjoyed it. We got home a little late but it was fun. I didn't feel that great when we got there but felt better as the night went on . Wendy and I are sponsoring a little Compassion Child from Bolivia. Little Nelvy. What a cutie she is . If you look on Wendy's blog she posted a picture there of her. I am feeling a bit better today and hope I stay that way as I have a busy weekend coming up. Tonight I play with The Harmonika Rascals at The Lynwood Nursing Home from 7 to 8pm. Then Saturday morning I am working at the church serving at the Ladies Breakfast. I should clean my garage out but that might have to be another day who knows? I'm hoping that I will start feeling a lot better as I have a few little jobs to do but the compressor is still a bit heavy for me to be lifting up on the back of my truck. (Where is Jorge when I need him ) sigh. Sure do miss him. Well it is 9 am. and I should get going. Have a great day and may God bless you all.
Wednesday, October 17, 2007
Monday Morning . Monday Morning
Well yes it is Monday Morning and here I am at this dumb old computer. Couldn't sleep so thought that maybe I could write something on my outdated Blog. Not sure that is going to work just yet but we'll try. Funny before this operation I rarely woke up in the middle of the night. Now I'm up about every 2 to 3 hours.
I must be getting old as I sure don't have a lot of get up and go lately. I seem to be just dragging my feet all day long. I sleep in until 8 or later and then I just don't feel like doing much when I do get up. Maybe I should go see a doctor or something and get some get up and go pills. As if I need more pills eh? Well this morning I have to bowl at 9 and for some reason I'm not looking forward to that right now. Maybe I will feel better about it at 8 am. who knows. Yesterday all I did was sort out some bottles and cans to take to the bottle depot and then I routed a clock stand out for Hess at the Golden Hour Clock Shop.
Well I guess we put our house up for sale about 6 months too late. There is just too many out there for sale right now and the prices are going down and down. For a while I wasn't really sure I wanted to move anyway but now I really would like to be closer to Tanya and Tom and the kids and now that I know they are going to stay in Lethbridge . I really don't like that drive for 5 or 6 hours each way. If I had to move now with my ambition down I'd have to hire a couple of you guys just to kick my butt first thing in the morning just to get me started. But guess we won't have a choice if this old house don't sell.
Wendy has a bad hip and I'm not sure that the long drive is good for her. If you read her blog I think she blogged about it. She is now on a list to get a hip replacement in the near future. They say about 5 to 6 months.
Well I guess no one is online at this hour so I might as well finish this stupid blog and go back to bed. I sure hope you all have a great day.God Bless you all.
I must be getting old as I sure don't have a lot of get up and go lately. I seem to be just dragging my feet all day long. I sleep in until 8 or later and then I just don't feel like doing much when I do get up. Maybe I should go see a doctor or something and get some get up and go pills. As if I need more pills eh? Well this morning I have to bowl at 9 and for some reason I'm not looking forward to that right now. Maybe I will feel better about it at 8 am. who knows. Yesterday all I did was sort out some bottles and cans to take to the bottle depot and then I routed a clock stand out for Hess at the Golden Hour Clock Shop.
Well I guess we put our house up for sale about 6 months too late. There is just too many out there for sale right now and the prices are going down and down. For a while I wasn't really sure I wanted to move anyway but now I really would like to be closer to Tanya and Tom and the kids and now that I know they are going to stay in Lethbridge . I really don't like that drive for 5 or 6 hours each way. If I had to move now with my ambition down I'd have to hire a couple of you guys just to kick my butt first thing in the morning just to get me started. But guess we won't have a choice if this old house don't sell.
Wendy has a bad hip and I'm not sure that the long drive is good for her. If you read her blog I think she blogged about it. She is now on a list to get a hip replacement in the near future. They say about 5 to 6 months.
Well I guess no one is online at this hour so I might as well finish this stupid blog and go back to bed. I sure hope you all have a great day.God Bless you all.
Sunday, October 07, 2007
Sunday afternoon Oct.7, 2007
Well after being away for the last 3 weeks it was back to church Sunday morning, seeing and chatting with all our friends and answering their many question about our kids. Then after a quick coffee it was off to the service. After service I had to help count. It was so good to be back with our group counting. What an awesome crew it is. Brenda, Vern, John, Darryl, and Carol who is fairly new with our group. Maybe not I think it was me who was fairly new. Haha. Well it was good to be back and see all their smiling faces and listen to what was happening is some of their lives and Vern's quick comments as we went along. He is quite a guy. Very witty and quite sharp for an old fellow.(zing) It was a very good morning and I really enjoyed being back with them. Then it was off to the bank and home for lunch which was quite early today for a change. Guess we were faster than we used to be eh? Anyway thanks guys for good work and thanks Darryl for the coffee. It was a pleasure and am looking forward to next month.
Saturday, September 29, 2007
Saturday Afternoon. September 29th.2007
Well we have had a ball with 3 sometimes silly girls for a whole week. Only one more sleep and then our house will be back to it's quiet old self. Not sure I'm going to happy about that. It has been such fun listening to the girls chatter(like their Mum)and (their aunty's). It sure brought back some good old memories. Wendy a few times called them Tanya and Mandy but the girls got a laugh out of that. Adriana is 10 going on 15, Erilyn is 7 going on 12 and Amelie is 3 years and rules the roost or tries to anyway. They sure were good girls and we enjoyed them so much maybe we won't send them home. I think Papa 's candy box took a real beating and needs to be replenished. Not mush left in it now. One of the big things was when Papa said 2 pieces each there was always a little voice that said why only 2 papa what about maybe 4 pieces. I guess there was too much of a verity in there eh? All and all I think they had a great and Gram did a lot of things with them too. Today Gram took them to the Zoo as I had to go to St. Albert and play a gig with the Harmonika Rascals . It was a really good time there and the people just loved it. It was a fun raiser for the CNIB of St Albert. They had a really good turn out for this being their first year. Our Cord player Henk helped with all the setting up and organizing as he is a member of the CNIB. Wendy and the girls are over to Aunty C's right now and will be back later for supper. Well that's my story for today and I'm sticking to it. Love you all and May God Bless you all. If your reading our blog give us a comment or you can always e-mail us anytime . Would love to hear from you.
Monday, September 24, 2007
Good News this morning
This morning I went to the doctor at 9:15am. worried because I have not been feeling so well in the past week but God is good. The doctor came into the room and said he had some good news for me and then told me that my PSA was (zero). Sure took a load off my shoulders. He said that the things I have been feeling are normal and that made me feel better too. Why is it that we worry? God says trust in me. Guess I have to get back on my knees more often. Thank you Lord.
This morning after I came back from the doctors and went bowling. I bowled really good and felt good doing it. The first game was 223 then 244 and 171 and 179 . Not bad for an old man eh?? Well I feel so good I think I'll go do something other than play on this old computer. Have a great day.
May God Bless all of you .
This morning after I came back from the doctors and went bowling. I bowled really good and felt good doing it. The first game was 223 then 244 and 171 and 179 . Not bad for an old man eh?? Well I feel so good I think I'll go do something other than play on this old computer. Have a great day.
May God Bless all of you .
Saturday, September 22, 2007
Saturday evening in Lethbridge
Wow only one more sleep and we are headed back home. It sure has been fun with the grand kids. Well sometimes a little loud. Guess we are not used to having little ones around the house eh? Little Amelie is so excited about going home with us in Gramme's red car. She was ready and packed on Monday. Wendy and Tanya have been busy on their lap tops organizing their photo's of the kids. We have played a few games and watched a few Corner Gas season 4. and lots of Wiggles.
Little Isabella is getting so big or it seems that way. She sure is a little sweetheart. I think Kellen has grown since we got here too. He is one live wire. Kellen and Amelie are so full of energy. They keep everyone hopping. What a busy pair. We are not used to having a 2 year old and a 3 year old and a little 9 day old around. It has been good to spend some time with Tanya and Tom. Yesterday Tom and I went bowling but the alleys aren't the greatest but we had fun anyway. We are probably leaving fairly early tomorrow morning because Tom's Dad will bring Adriana and Erilyn to our house as soon as we get home. They have been up at John and Mary's since Sunday and will now spend a week with us. That will be fun for us having 3 little girls in our house for a week. That should bring back old time eh? Well Adriana is not so little anymore and if she heard me say she was little I would get the bad eye for sure. They sure are a pretty lot and Papa is proud of all of them.
Well the little ones are down and Wendy and Tanya are making cookies and we are getting ready to play another game tonight. Maybe I'll get lucky and win tonight eh? Not sure what we are going to be playing tonight. Normally I don't play board game but I am starting to enjoy them. Must be getting old eh? I had better get this posted and clear the table for the game . Good night and God Bless you all.
Little Isabella is getting so big or it seems that way. She sure is a little sweetheart. I think Kellen has grown since we got here too. He is one live wire. Kellen and Amelie are so full of energy. They keep everyone hopping. What a busy pair. We are not used to having a 2 year old and a 3 year old and a little 9 day old around. It has been good to spend some time with Tanya and Tom. Yesterday Tom and I went bowling but the alleys aren't the greatest but we had fun anyway. We are probably leaving fairly early tomorrow morning because Tom's Dad will bring Adriana and Erilyn to our house as soon as we get home. They have been up at John and Mary's since Sunday and will now spend a week with us. That will be fun for us having 3 little girls in our house for a week. That should bring back old time eh? Well Adriana is not so little anymore and if she heard me say she was little I would get the bad eye for sure. They sure are a pretty lot and Papa is proud of all of them.
Well the little ones are down and Wendy and Tanya are making cookies and we are getting ready to play another game tonight. Maybe I'll get lucky and win tonight eh? Not sure what we are going to be playing tonight. Normally I don't play board game but I am starting to enjoy them. Must be getting old eh? I had better get this posted and clear the table for the game . Good night and God Bless you all.
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
Tuesday morning.Sept.18th.
Well here I am in Lethbridge where I have been since Wednesday evening. Well actually I left Edmonton on Wed. but didn't get here until Thursday morning early(about 1:30am). I have another new grand baby. Little Isabella Blanch Lister. She sure is a pretty one and good size too. She was born about 2:21am. Check Wendy's blog. She has posted a few pictures of her. Thursday morning. Wendy was afraid that we wouldn't be here in Lethbridge to be with Tanya when the baby came but we were here about 1 hour before. God guided us safely here in plenty of time. She is a beautiful little (cookie cutter) Lister baby. She looks just like the rest of them. They would have no trouble picking her out of a crowd. Tanya is doing well but the 2 little ones seem to be wondering what all the fuss is about and why ain't Mum paying more attention to me?? Little Amelie(our 3 year old) want to hold her all the time(sigh). Things are slowly getting back to normal I think(not sure because I don't live here) ha ha. The two older girls went with their Grandfather and Grandmother (Toms Dad and Mom) to stay for a week and then they are going to stay at our house for another week. We are going to bring little Amelie with us when we come home. Going from 4 down to just a 2 year old and a baby might be a bit of an adjustment. I guess that will give Tanya and Tom a bit of a break but not sure they won't really miss them. Little Adriana is a lot of help to her Mum(she is 10 years old) but does lots of things to help Mum out with the babies.
Not sure what we are doing today but maybe it will be a good day for a long walk with the babies. Amelie and Kellen are so full of energy they tire me out just watching them. It is good that Wendy and I can be here to give them a little help. Hopefully they think it is good too eh?
We are waiting to hear from Kristy and Bob who are in Africa now. Last we heard they were in an airport in England. If you check Kristy blog I think she updated on Saturday telling about the fun time they were having at her uncle Pat and aunt Mary's. I think they have posted some pictures also. I was hoping that Mandy an Jorge would update their blog but they are really busy with the school starting and everything.
I haven't been feeling great but am feeling really good yesterday and today. I have to be back for a doctors appointment on Monday morning.
Well it is partly Sunny and only about 6 C. out right now but hopefully it will get nice and the temp will go up.
Well that's my story for today and I'm sticking to it. Have a great day and May God bless all of you.
Not sure what we are doing today but maybe it will be a good day for a long walk with the babies. Amelie and Kellen are so full of energy they tire me out just watching them. It is good that Wendy and I can be here to give them a little help. Hopefully they think it is good too eh?
We are waiting to hear from Kristy and Bob who are in Africa now. Last we heard they were in an airport in England. If you check Kristy blog I think she updated on Saturday telling about the fun time they were having at her uncle Pat and aunt Mary's. I think they have posted some pictures also. I was hoping that Mandy an Jorge would update their blog but they are really busy with the school starting and everything.
I haven't been feeling great but am feeling really good yesterday and today. I have to be back for a doctors appointment on Monday morning.
Well it is partly Sunny and only about 6 C. out right now but hopefully it will get nice and the temp will go up.
Well that's my story for today and I'm sticking to it. Have a great day and May God bless all of you.
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
Back from the airport.
Well we took Kristy and Bob to the airport and said our good by's. There were a few tears. It is hard to send your daughters off to another country so far away. Kristy always said she couldn't be more than 2 hours away from us but now she will be gone for 6 months. How will we survive? Sigh
God has been so good to us all and to see how He is working in their in the lives of our children just makes me praise Him more everyday. Thank you Lord for our children and thank you that they are following you. Help them to be your shining light. We are so proud of all of them.
Well now I guess we will be heading to Lethbridge soon . Can't wait.
Well that's all for today. Twice in one day that's a new record for me. eh???
God has been so good to us all and to see how He is working in their in the lives of our children just makes me praise Him more everyday. Thank you Lord for our children and thank you that they are following you. Help them to be your shining light. We are so proud of all of them.
Well now I guess we will be heading to Lethbridge soon . Can't wait.
Well that's all for today. Twice in one day that's a new record for me. eh???
September 11,2007
Wow how time just flies. Today Kristy and Bob are flying out this afternoon at 7pm. Where did the time go. We have been so busy lately running to Red Deer and Blackfalds and going to see people and having people over at our house. Guess things will slow down starting tomorrow. We are waiting for a phone call from Tanya now any time saying that little Bella is coming. It is a bit exciting to say the least.
Well let's see where do I start. Ok I am feeling pretty good and went and got a blood test yesterday. I have an appointment on Sept.24th to see Dr. Estay. Last Saturday we drove to Red Deer for a birthday Surprise birthday party for Bob. there were lots of people there and everything went well. We got a little rain half way through the party but it didn't last to long. Then on Sunday we drove to Blackfalds to Kentwood Alliance and went to service there. Everyone said good by to Kristy and Bob and after that we all went to a friend of Kristy and Bob's for a BBQ. There was lots of people there and it was so good to see their friends giving a them a send off so to speak. They sure will have lots of people praying for them after they go.
Their visa's came in at Blackfalds post office so Kristy and Bob had to drive back down there and pick them up. Another answer to pray eh?
it will be real hard for Wendy and Kristy to say good by this afternoon.
the Lord has been so good to them and just to watch Him work in their live is so exciting. Thank you Lord. We sill for sure miss them as they will be gone for 6 months and who knows where the Lord will take them from there. I'm tough so it won't bother me me. LOL
I think both Wendy and Kristy will be basket cases for a few hours after we leave the airport. They are flying to London for 5 day so that will be fun and they will get to see some of Kristy's relatives. Then they are meeting some friends from Blackfalds and spend a day with them before they fly out to Africa. God has answered so many of their prayers and I'm sure he has a lot more in store for them as they go to the DTS. I know God will continually Bless them on their journey. It has to be so exciting for both of them and it will be a big adjustment for them also.
We will be praying for them every day.Now we have one daughter and son in-law in Chile and will have a daughter and his schooling.Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.
I hope and pray that he will find a job close by but who knows where God will send them. Guess I had better learn to like traveling eh? hahaha and I do. Well I have lot s of things to do and not much time to do them so I am going to end this blog and get started doing things. I have to mow the lawn for sure as it is still growing and need cutting.
Until next time have a Blessed day. God bless you all.
Well let's see where do I start. Ok I am feeling pretty good and went and got a blood test yesterday. I have an appointment on Sept.24th to see Dr. Estay. Last Saturday we drove to Red Deer for a birthday Surprise birthday party for Bob. there were lots of people there and everything went well. We got a little rain half way through the party but it didn't last to long. Then on Sunday we drove to Blackfalds to Kentwood Alliance and went to service there. Everyone said good by to Kristy and Bob and after that we all went to a friend of Kristy and Bob's for a BBQ. There was lots of people there and it was so good to see their friends giving a them a send off so to speak. They sure will have lots of people praying for them after they go.
Their visa's came in at Blackfalds post office so Kristy and Bob had to drive back down there and pick them up. Another answer to pray eh?
it will be real hard for Wendy and Kristy to say good by this afternoon.
the Lord has been so good to them and just to watch Him work in their live is so exciting. Thank you Lord. We sill for sure miss them as they will be gone for 6 months and who knows where the Lord will take them from there. I'm tough so it won't bother me me. LOL
I think both Wendy and Kristy will be basket cases for a few hours after we leave the airport. They are flying to London for 5 day so that will be fun and they will get to see some of Kristy's relatives. Then they are meeting some friends from Blackfalds and spend a day with them before they fly out to Africa. God has answered so many of their prayers and I'm sure he has a lot more in store for them as they go to the DTS. I know God will continually Bless them on their journey. It has to be so exciting for both of them and it will be a big adjustment for them also.
We will be praying for them every day.Now we have one daughter and son in-law in Chile and will have a daughter and his schooling.Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.
I hope and pray that he will find a job close by but who knows where God will send them. Guess I had better learn to like traveling eh? hahaha and I do. Well I have lot s of things to do and not much time to do them so I am going to end this blog and get started doing things. I have to mow the lawn for sure as it is still growing and need cutting.
Until next time have a Blessed day. God bless you all.
Monday, September 03, 2007
Monday Sept.3, 2007
Well here it is Sept. 3rd. already. Where does the time go? It has been a while since I blogged so I hope I haven't forgot how? haha . I have been feeling really good and today I think I am going to go try to bowl a couple of games just to see if I remember how and see if I can do it. I am not going to bowl more than 2 games because I don't want to over do it. Who knows maybe I can only bowl 1. Well on Saturday we went to Beth and Scott's wedding at Beulah. Then at 6 in the evening we went to the reception dinner at the Day's Inn. She sure looked pretty. Then on Sunday we went to lunch with Ed and Betty and Wade and Charlene at Moxie's. I think we ate for an hour and talked for 2hours. Have to do that more often. This morning we all went to the A&W for breakfast with the Seniors. Had a great time. They were all interested in Kristy and Bob and what they are doing and where they are going. They sure are a great bunch of people. They really are a bunch of LOVING and CARING people. I guess I am kind of proud of all of them. God knows we need friends like them. Thank You Lord. Well one of these days soon I have to go out to the lake and check on our trailer. We haven't been out there in a while. Seems like we just have so much to do and now Kristy and Bob are getting ready to fly out on the 11th. of Sept. to Africa. We are waiting for the phone call that will take us to Lethbridge to see our new little granddaughter coming any time now. We are planing a big dinner for Kristy and Bob on Monday because they won't be here for Christmas this year Kristy and Bob want me to cook a turkey dinner for them with all the trimmings. Why not eh? I always cook turkey for Christmas so guess I have one in Sept and one in Lethbridge December. This year we are going to Lethbridge for Christmas if they are still there. Just talked to Mandy on MSN. They are doing fine and said to say HI to all the Seniors. (So Hi All You Seniors) from Mandy and Jorge and don't forget to tell Irene , Vern. Ha haha
Well got to go so I pray you will all have a great day and enjoy the Holiday.
Well got to go so I pray you will all have a great day and enjoy the Holiday.
Saturday, August 25, 2007
30 years today????
Wow 30 years ago we got married and here we are still married eh? Ya 30 years 3 beautiful daughters and 4 beautiful grandchildren(and 1 coming ) and 3 great son in-laws. Wendy is still as pretty as she was when I married her. I am not sure what we are up to day but I really don't feel like doing a lot right now. Bob and Kristy are on their way to Red Deer for the week end so it should be real quiet around here for a few days. Wendy is off from work for a month. She is such a sweetie. It is so nice having her around. Sure do love her. I get the feeling that she is really worried about me so just pray that God will give her peace and understanding. She is still spoiling me and thats not a bad thing. I haven't done anything today so not much to write about .
Love you all
God Bless
Love you all
God Bless
Thursday, August 23, 2007
Thursday Afternoon
Well it's been a while since I updated this but I have been a bit under the weather and in and out of the hospital so that's the reason.
Well lets see I think it was last Saturday that I started feeling bad and it went all down hill from there. I went to church on Sunday morning and didn't feel great but it wasn't too bad but by the time I got home I was really hurting. That afternoon I got sick to my stomach and my guts really hurt. I didn't eat anything on Sunday. I felt a bit better on Monday morning and I went to A&W and ate about half a Bacon and Egger. I went home and started feeling bad again and it just got worst from there. Monday evening I was in big trouble but toughed it out until Tuesday morning. The pain just kept getting worst so about 1 pm. I think it was Wendy took me over to the hospital and then I spent about another 7 hours there. They did a CAT scan and a ultra sound and poked needles in my arm and couldn't find anything so they sent me home. I just got home and then got sick as a dog again and then went to bed and slept for a few hours. Wed. was another day of pain but it started to let up in the afternoon. I slept pretty good Wed. night and felt pretty good this morning. I had a doctors appointment today at 4:15pm. at Dr. Brownoff. This morning I had some toast and that stayed down and at noon I had a bit of Wendy's home made soup and kept that down. Tonight I had big supper and still feel good. I guess it was just a flu of some sort but who knows?
Well hopefully I am back on the mend and will feel better tomorrow. I sick and tired of feeling sick and tired. haha
Thanks for all your prayers. Don't think I could have made it without them. Think I had better start eating and see if I can gain some of the 27lbs that I lost back or at least some of it. I look pretty slim trim right now and all my clothes are a bit big on me. I even lost my stick out tummy but I hope to keep that off in the future. Guess I'll have to work on that eh?
I am heeling up pretty well from the operation so that's a good thing. Thank God for that.
Well that's my story and I'm sticking to it. Have a great day and may God Bless each and every one of you. Again thanks for your prayers.
Well lets see I think it was last Saturday that I started feeling bad and it went all down hill from there. I went to church on Sunday morning and didn't feel great but it wasn't too bad but by the time I got home I was really hurting. That afternoon I got sick to my stomach and my guts really hurt. I didn't eat anything on Sunday. I felt a bit better on Monday morning and I went to A&W and ate about half a Bacon and Egger. I went home and started feeling bad again and it just got worst from there. Monday evening I was in big trouble but toughed it out until Tuesday morning. The pain just kept getting worst so about 1 pm. I think it was Wendy took me over to the hospital and then I spent about another 7 hours there. They did a CAT scan and a ultra sound and poked needles in my arm and couldn't find anything so they sent me home. I just got home and then got sick as a dog again and then went to bed and slept for a few hours. Wed. was another day of pain but it started to let up in the afternoon. I slept pretty good Wed. night and felt pretty good this morning. I had a doctors appointment today at 4:15pm. at Dr. Brownoff. This morning I had some toast and that stayed down and at noon I had a bit of Wendy's home made soup and kept that down. Tonight I had big supper and still feel good. I guess it was just a flu of some sort but who knows?
Well hopefully I am back on the mend and will feel better tomorrow. I sick and tired of feeling sick and tired. haha
Thanks for all your prayers. Don't think I could have made it without them. Think I had better start eating and see if I can gain some of the 27lbs that I lost back or at least some of it. I look pretty slim trim right now and all my clothes are a bit big on me. I even lost my stick out tummy but I hope to keep that off in the future. Guess I'll have to work on that eh?
I am heeling up pretty well from the operation so that's a good thing. Thank God for that.
Well that's my story and I'm sticking to it. Have a great day and may God Bless each and every one of you. Again thanks for your prayers.
Tuesday, August 21, 2007
Tuesday afternoon
Well lets see on Monday morning I went to A&W for breakfast and felt pretty good until about noon. Had some real strange pains in my stomach. The rest of the day went all down hill from there. Didn't sleep much last night but got up this morning feeling pretty good but here it is about 1:30 pm. and I'm getting the pains back so who knows. Lets ope that they go away but not sure that will happen. I have a doctors appointment on Thursday maybe he can figure it all out.
Sunday, August 19, 2007
Sunday Afternoon
Guess it's about time I updated this eh? Well this morning I felt pretty good. Had a good nights sleep for a change so thought that I would take a chance and go to church. It was fun to see everyone but they all want to pat you on the back or give you a hug and that's not good right now. Oh well they mean well. I left shortly after the service but did get to say Hi to Steve and Ray and Shelia. It is Shelia's birthday today.
Thursday, August 16, 2007
Thursday Morning. Aug.16, 2007
Well I'm up early and not sure what today will bring. Yesterday was a busy one for me. Went to breakfast, then came home and played with the computer for a while. Then drove over to the Mall and walked for about 30 minutes and then went to the allies and watched the guys bowl for about an hour or so. Then just walked around the mall again for a little while and had a hot dog and pina colada drink at the Hot dog place and watched the Seals perform. Then I came home and sat out in the sun for about an hour. I had to come in every now and then as it was getting almost to hot to stay out for a long time. Had a little more to eat and then went to visit my friends Hess and Ronnie at the Golden Hour Clock Shop. I have to call my friend Henk today and see how he is doing. He went to the hospital yesterday afternoon and had a small growth taken off his back. He said it didn't hurt but the doctor thought that he should get it removed. About 3pm. I went to Wall mart and then to Safeway and picked up some meds. that I needed. Came home and played my harmonica's for a few minutes and then cooked supper and got ready for our men's group. 7 guys showed up at 7 pm. Sure was good to see them. It's been a long time since we all got together. They met 2 weeks ago at Tims but I wasn't able to. What a great group they are. We finally ended that about 10:25 pm. What an uplifting evening it was. Just hearing them Thanking and Praising God and just telling about their answered prayer and oh yes we all seem to have our little problems but they seem small. God is sure working in these guys lives for sure. You can just feel the Love these guys have for each other and for God. Makes you want to meet again tomorrow. Ha ha
Well not sure what I am going to do today. Just took the garbage out and it is raining a bit.
Well that's my story for this morning and I'm sticking to it. Maybe the Lord will open a new new door today and I will be able to tell someone about Him and what he means to me. Hope and pray that you all have a great day. OH! yes I am feeling better every day.
Thanks for your prayers.
Well not sure what I am going to do today. Just took the garbage out and it is raining a bit.
Well that's my story for this morning and I'm sticking to it. Maybe the Lord will open a new new door today and I will be able to tell someone about Him and what he means to me. Hope and pray that you all have a great day. OH! yes I am feeling better every day.
Thanks for your prayers.
Monday, August 13, 2007
Monday Aug.13, 2007
So I guess it's about time I update this old blog eh? Well this morning I felt pretty good so off we went to meet with the Seniors for breakfast at A&W. It was the first time since July 9 th. I think. I got a big welcome from them all when we came in. They had 2 cards for me. It was good to see them all and tell my story about 10 times. Seniors don't remember sometimes or is it that Seniors always tell the same story over and over. Hmmmm. Well I really enjoyed being there again and chatting with them all. Come to think about it there was a couple missing(Vern & Irene and Allen & Susan and Murry & Amber). Oh well maybe they will make it next week. Sunday about 1pm. my friends Paul and Mandy stopped in to visit for about and hour. I also got a call from my friend Bob Couture from Dover Plains New York( where I lived for many years)giving me some bad news that my friend Bob Keller who I have known for about 55 years was in the hospital . Bob is about 78. Years ago him and I started a trailer park in Dover and it is still going today. In fact I have a favorite aunt Wayna that still lives there. She is in her 80's.
Well after breakfast Wendy and I came home and then we walked over to the Mall and did a bit of walking/shopping. Actually Wendy did the shopping and I walked to the bowling alleys and chatted with the guys there for about 1 1/2 hours. Then Wendy met me there and we walked home. She's kinda cute making sure I get my exercise eh? Don't know what I'd do with out her.
Last night we watched a movie(an old one Father of the Bride). We have seen it before but it was cute. Made me think of when our girls got married and how beautiful they all were on that big day. But I never cried once. No Sir not me. Sure do miss them now that they are all grown up and moved away but God has given me 3 great son in-laws to take care of them. Thank you Lord.
Well it is getting about time for supper eh? I must be getting better because I'm hungry a lot lately. Ha ha.
Well hope you all have a great day.
Ya all stop in some time ya hear.
Well after breakfast Wendy and I came home and then we walked over to the Mall and did a bit of walking/shopping. Actually Wendy did the shopping and I walked to the bowling alleys and chatted with the guys there for about 1 1/2 hours. Then Wendy met me there and we walked home. She's kinda cute making sure I get my exercise eh? Don't know what I'd do with out her.
Last night we watched a movie(an old one Father of the Bride). We have seen it before but it was cute. Made me think of when our girls got married and how beautiful they all were on that big day. But I never cried once. No Sir not me. Sure do miss them now that they are all grown up and moved away but God has given me 3 great son in-laws to take care of them. Thank you Lord.
Well it is getting about time for supper eh? I must be getting better because I'm hungry a lot lately. Ha ha.
Well hope you all have a great day.
Ya all stop in some time ya hear.
Thursday, August 09, 2007
Thursday Evening. Aug. 9,2007
Well here it is Thursday already and sometimes I feel like I'm not getting better fast enough. It frustrates me that I have to ask everyone to do things for me. Not used to that I guess. I am still having a bit of pain and have finished all my antibiotics. Guess I was hopeing to recover in a few days and that ain't happening. I have watched more TV in the past week and a half than I have all year and stayed awake for most of it. I can't believe how many times they play (Replays). They do it with sports and movies and talk show and reality show(most of them suck big time) but if you do fall asleep all you have to do is wait and hour and they will show it again sometimes on another channel or on the same channel. The sports and the Food shows seem to be the best and they don't swear on some of them. Some of the food show have a lot of swearing but then is always a good time to watch sports or So you think you can dance eh? Ha Ha.Right now I am going to do a bit of practice on the Harmonica. Don't know why as I don't have any gigs coming up soon. I am going to make a couple of copy's of some of our CD's because a few people are asking for them and I have a burner on my computer. Wendy is working and I sure do miss her not being here. She is such a sweetheart. Don't know what I'd do without her. Thanks for putting up with me Wen. Today we went over to the Misericordia Hospital and visited Bill Pendergas. He has been there for 2 days and is in hope to come home on Sat. morning. He looks good and was joking around but if you know Bill he is always joking around. Kristy and Bob are out for the evening so guess I'll play and make some noise before they get home and then try to get a early nights sleep. Haven't slept well in the past few nights. Last night I spent most of the night on the couch because I was afraid I'd wake Wendy and she needs her sleep. Just keep Bill and Phyllis in your prayers. Hopefully I am getting better but I just don't know it yet I guess. haha
Have a great day. Love you all
Have a great day. Love you all
Tuesday, August 07, 2007
Aug. 7, 2007
Well I think I feel a little bit better but sometimes I'm not to sure. Just when I think I'm feeling better then I start to hurt again. Can't figure that out . Yesterday my friend Ron Campbell came over for a visit and brought me some Borsh that his wife Shirley made. That was real good. I had a few phone calls' one from my friend Vern who said I didn't sound to chipper. Forget just how he put it exactly but something like that. Funny thing is that for the last few days my voice is different. Wendy took me out to Wallmart and then to Safeway. So I did a bit of walking and I think I should do some more walking tomorrow for sure. Kristy and Bob came home this afternoon. They have been in the states for a few days with some friends. Kristy made supper(Meatloaf,mashed potatoes and pea's) that was real good but I think I ate too much(sigh).
Pastor Allen called this morning and we had a good chat. My friend Hank is going to bus down here tomorrow from St Albert and we are going to chat over some coffee. Well that's about it for today guess I'll go up and assume my position in front of that Stupid Boob Tube. Have a great day. Love you all.
Pastor Allen called this morning and we had a good chat. My friend Hank is going to bus down here tomorrow from St Albert and we are going to chat over some coffee. Well that's about it for today guess I'll go up and assume my position in front of that Stupid Boob Tube. Have a great day. Love you all.
Saturday, August 04, 2007
Saturday Morning Aug.4, 2007
Today is not looking like a day to just sit out on the deck. It is very cloudy and a bit windy at the moment. Wendy made me a great breakfast and now here I am sitting at the computer trying to update my blog. I haven't felt like doing to much updating lately. I weighed my self this morning and found that I have lost a few pounds. This morning I weighed 170.5 lbs. I weighted about 187 before the operation 2 weeks ago. Back to being my old skinny self. Wendy says I have chicken legs. (Don't laugh Vern.) Well I'm getting tired of just sitting around but I can't seem to settle down to anything. I tried my music but that didn't work and I got bored. Then I tried blogging but quite that in a few minutes now I am back at it. Tried watching TV but that sucks. Oh well maybe I'll try reading but I'm normally not a reader. Once I get the plumbing thing working where I can control it I think things will be easier. Well if you all read Wendy's blog yesterday she gave a complete update on my situation so I won't bore you or me with that again. Hope you all have a great day.
Monday, July 30, 2007
Getting better I think
Hi everyone . Guess it has been a while since I'v written on this old blogg. Well I'm up walking around a bit should be more but still got lots of pain. Wendy has just been so wonderful doing every thing for me. What a blessing she is. I have to start walking a bit more each day and hope to start that tomorrow. My legs are so swollen and the fact that it hurts to walk a lot. All and all God is good and I am feeling a bit better each day.
Sunday, July 22, 2007
Sunday Morning
Hi. Just thought that I should up date this silly old blog and let you know what is happening. I am going into the hospital at 6am. Monday morning and they are going to operate. They called on Friday and said they had a cancellation so I am in a month early which I guess is good. I had a bet of a bad time last night and had to be taken to the hospital for a few hours. The meds. reacted a\with the meds. that I take for the IBD. I feel pretty good right now and am praying that I will be fine until Monday morning. They say that I will only be in the hospital for 3 days if all goes well.I haven't been able to have any food since yesterday morning. Only liquids.(sigh). We had lots of people here for the last 3 days but have all gone but Tanya and Tom and the kids. They are leaving this afternoon . They were all here for my Birthday and we had a great time.
I may not be back on here for a few days but will update soon as I feel better. Thanks for all your prayers. Love you all.
I may not be back on here for a few days but will update soon as I feel better. Thanks for all your prayers. Love you all.
Monday, July 09, 2007
Monday July 9th.
Well it's been a long time since I wrote anything here so seeing that everyone else has updated guess it's time for me to update. I still have both the Ranger and The Saturn in the garage for repairs. I hope to get the Saturn tomorrow morning and then I hope they can fix the Ranger. Well today I went bowling for the first time in a couple of weeks and did pretty well. I had one 209 game and one 187 another was 167 so that's not to bad for not bowling for a while. My arm was tired when we finished. How quickly we get out of shape eh? This afternoon I went and renewed my Drivers license and then ran to Wall Mart to try to pick up some Scratch Doctor that they have been advertising but they were out of stock.(sigh) They have opened the new half of the store and have almost all the food store set up except the meat and produce. They have all the other stuff out already and they have a large selection. It sure is big now. Yesterday Wendy and I went to The Super Store and they are doing all kind of changing there too.Get ready for the competition Wall Mart. As you can see I haven't been very busy and it feels good. However I don't want to get to out of shape so guess I should find something to keep me busy eh?
Tuesday, July 03, 2007
Tuesday Afternoon
Well this morning Wendy and I went out to look at NEW TRUCKS. That was fun but the prices will scare you. They were all about $25,000 To $28,000 and that's for a small one. 4 cyl. 2.9 liter
with an extended cab which has little jumps seats in the back and most of them are 4 door except the Range which is 3 door. I really liked the small Chev. but the price on that one was $26,200. But they had no interest for 60 months. I guess that is a good deal but. Sure sounds like a lot of money to me but they said it like it was dirt cheap. The Toyota was nice but the little seats were not very nice and looked very uncomfortable for even a kid. We went to the Dodge dealer but the salesman didn't seem to interested in selling me one and made a few dumb comment like(the 8 cyl. gets about the same mileage as the 6). And he couldn't open the console and didn't know said he guessed it was broke and didn't seem to care anyway.Then we went and looked at the GMC pickups. The sales lady remembered me from Superior and was really helpful. The truck seats were not too confortable and the price was a bit higher than the Chev.
I went to Denny's the salesman wouldn't get me a price in writing and said it was to ockword to price out. So the I went and talked to the guy about my Ranger and he is going to call me hopefully tomorrow and tell me roughly what it will cost to fix it(sigh). I have to take our Saturn in on Friday and see what is wrong with that. The idiot light keeps coming on saying the coolant is low but it is not so we'll see I guess. Maybe it just a faulty idiot light.
Anyway tomorrow another day and maybe we'll go look at some used one's?
with an extended cab which has little jumps seats in the back and most of them are 4 door except the Range which is 3 door. I really liked the small Chev. but the price on that one was $26,200. But they had no interest for 60 months. I guess that is a good deal but. Sure sounds like a lot of money to me but they said it like it was dirt cheap. The Toyota was nice but the little seats were not very nice and looked very uncomfortable for even a kid. We went to the Dodge dealer but the salesman didn't seem to interested in selling me one and made a few dumb comment like(the 8 cyl. gets about the same mileage as the 6). And he couldn't open the console and didn't know said he guessed it was broke and didn't seem to care anyway.Then we went and looked at the GMC pickups. The sales lady remembered me from Superior and was really helpful. The truck seats were not too confortable and the price was a bit higher than the Chev.
I went to Denny's the salesman wouldn't get me a price in writing and said it was to ockword to price out. So the I went and talked to the guy about my Ranger and he is going to call me hopefully tomorrow and tell me roughly what it will cost to fix it(sigh). I have to take our Saturn in on Friday and see what is wrong with that. The idiot light keeps coming on saying the coolant is low but it is not so we'll see I guess. Maybe it just a faulty idiot light.
Anyway tomorrow another day and maybe we'll go look at some used one's?
Friday, June 29, 2007
Friday Morning and all is not going well yet today.
Well this morning as I got up I thought what a beautiful day and I don't have a job to do so I am going to just do what I want when I want. Ha ha. So off I went to Hap's for breakfast and then to the bank and drew out some money then I got back into the truck and yep you guessed it. It wouldn't start so I call AMA and had my truck towed to Denny Andrews and of course the lady said that I could call on Tuesday and explain what was wrong with it because it is coming up on the long weekend and they would not be able to even look at until Tuesday. Make my day lady. She was very pleasant and had a big smile on her face. Not sure I did but I kept my cool. She was just doing her job and it wasn't her fault that I was standing at the counter with a problem. So off I went with the truck driver who said that if I wanted a rid e to 87 Th.ave. he was going that way. Madison and I hopped in and off we went to 87Th Ave. Then after a short walk home here I am safe and sound. A bit discouraged but all and all fine. Guess there is lots of things that I can do around the house like put all the deck furniture back on the deck because it is all on the lawn because I stained the deck the other day. Maybe after I set in the sun for a while I can mow the lawn and it looks like it needs it or clean out my shop. Oops all my tools are in the truck so maybe I should get them sometime today if our Saturn will run.(sigh) I have to call the Saturn people and see when they can take it in because the coolant light keeps coming on and that's not a good thing eh???Again a long week end so that won't happen(sigh). The good thing is I don't really have to be anyplace for the next few days and my legs and feet are still strong and I feel good. What more could I ask for eh???I hope you all have a great day and a happy long weekend. Love you all. God Bless each one of you that reads this and remember God is in control.
Thursday, June 28, 2007
Going to Retire for a little while I hope.
Well I am going to try to Retire again for a while. I have been working too much and not doing anything that I like to do like bowling, going out to the lake and fishing, going to stock car races or just hanging out with the guys for coffee.
Got lots of little things that I can keep busy with doing around the house that need to be done on rainy days or when I have nothing else to do eh? My shop needs cleaning real bad. My back yard is so pretty right now with all the flowers and I'm not enjoying that either. I want to take some time and just sit in the sun and enjoy watching the birds as they come to our fountain's. Maybe take a few pictures or just sit in the sun with Wendy when she is home or do something with her when she is off. I should go out with some of my friends from our men's group for coffee.
I finished a deck today for Karen (Hessel's daughter) and for the last 2 weeks I have been putting down a laminate floor for my friend Henk, fixing doors for a lady, helping another friend with his shed, helping at Beulah serving the Seniors lunch. I did get time to stain my flower pots, bench and deck (between jobs). We have been busy playing a little bit(a birthday party in Devon and at the Lynwood and I think we have another gig at the Dutch club on July 6. I also played for the Seniors lunch on Tuesday morning.
Kristy and Bob are going to move in with us in July and stay until they go to South Africa and I want to spend some time with them and my Grandchildren and Tanya and Tom.
Well I guess I am just rambling on so I should call it a night and print this eh? Hope you all have a great day tomorrow and May God Bless you all.
Got lots of little things that I can keep busy with doing around the house that need to be done on rainy days or when I have nothing else to do eh? My shop needs cleaning real bad. My back yard is so pretty right now with all the flowers and I'm not enjoying that either. I want to take some time and just sit in the sun and enjoy watching the birds as they come to our fountain's. Maybe take a few pictures or just sit in the sun with Wendy when she is home or do something with her when she is off. I should go out with some of my friends from our men's group for coffee.
I finished a deck today for Karen (Hessel's daughter) and for the last 2 weeks I have been putting down a laminate floor for my friend Henk, fixing doors for a lady, helping another friend with his shed, helping at Beulah serving the Seniors lunch. I did get time to stain my flower pots, bench and deck (between jobs). We have been busy playing a little bit(a birthday party in Devon and at the Lynwood and I think we have another gig at the Dutch club on July 6. I also played for the Seniors lunch on Tuesday morning.
Kristy and Bob are going to move in with us in July and stay until they go to South Africa and I want to spend some time with them and my Grandchildren and Tanya and Tom.
Well I guess I am just rambling on so I should call it a night and print this eh? Hope you all have a great day tomorrow and May God Bless you all.
Sunday, June 24, 2007
Sunday evening and all is well.
It's has been a busy but relaxing day. Went to church this morning. My friend Charles Sharman sang with a quartet in service and they are really good. Then after church I ran to the Pet store and bought some dog food which we needed. I 'm sure Maddy is happy about that. She is a good old mutt. Then went to Safeway and bought a few things and guess what (no cakes or sweet things) for a change. The doctor told me that I should not gain any weight before the operation and then he added that it would be good if I lost some.LOL . Came home grabbed a few shrimp and put them on the BBQ as Wendy was not eating. Then watched a bit of Nasscar Racing for a while. Something happened to the early part of the race but then the picture came back on about half way through the race so I did get to see the end. Guess I need a new TV eh???Then we talked to Wendy's Brother and his wife on the phone for a while and then my friend Bob Couture from New York called and him and I chatted for a while. He calls about 2 or 3 times a month or I call him. We have been friends for many years. Now Wendy is watching her lap top and I am playing on the computer for a little while. Tomorrow I go to breakfast with the Seniors and then I have to go fix a bifold door for a lady and then go to St Albert and start a small 16 x20 deck. That should take me a day or so. I'll probably only work 2 or 3 hours. Wendy is off so hopefully we can do something together. She's kind of cute and I enjoy doing things with her on her days off. I think I'll do a bit of practicing on the Harmonica for a little while and then call it a day. God Bless you all.
Thursday, June 21, 2007
Thursday Afternoon
Today I went to see Dr. Estey at the Hy Center building on 101 street and 110 ave. Got in at 9 am and didn't have much of a wait and then we were in his office. He told us what the side effects were and the other things that could possibly happen after an operation like this. I guess everyone that has an operation hopes and prays that they won't be in the 20% bracket. So I have a 1 in 5 chance of coming out with every thing working well after the operation. (HOPE & PRAY).
operation He did say again that it was a slow acting cancer and that he thought that we should be able to get it done some time in September. Then he sent us to the lady at the desk and she gave me an appointment for September the 17Th. at the Royal Alex Hospital. She explained that in the event of someone canceling we could be move up to an early date or a later date depending on the hospital, like a day or 2 one way or the other. He did say that he will be doing the Laprascopy where they go in with 2 small hole in the stomach area. He said that usually you are in the hospital about 2 days and then you go home. He did say that the recovery time was about 2 weeks if all goes well.Well it is very hot here but it looks like there might be a storm coming. Madison thinks so anyway. Well I think I will just lay around and take it easy for the rest of the day. Bob and Kristy are off to BC on a bit of a Holiday. Good for them. I pray that they will have a fun time together and with their friends.
Well that my store for today and I sticking with it. Bye for now
operation He did say again that it was a slow acting cancer and that he thought that we should be able to get it done some time in September. Then he sent us to the lady at the desk and she gave me an appointment for September the 17Th. at the Royal Alex Hospital. She explained that in the event of someone canceling we could be move up to an early date or a later date depending on the hospital, like a day or 2 one way or the other. He did say that he will be doing the Laprascopy where they go in with 2 small hole in the stomach area. He said that usually you are in the hospital about 2 days and then you go home. He did say that the recovery time was about 2 weeks if all goes well.Well it is very hot here but it looks like there might be a storm coming. Madison thinks so anyway. Well I think I will just lay around and take it easy for the rest of the day. Bob and Kristy are off to BC on a bit of a Holiday. Good for them. I pray that they will have a fun time together and with their friends.
Well that my store for today and I sticking with it. Bye for now
Tuesday, June 19, 2007
Tuesday Afternoon
This morning I went to breakfast with my friend Ron at Cody's on 149 street and Stony Plain Road. Ron is such a nice guy and is always worried about other people. It's good to have friends like him. I went to St. Albert at 9:30 and worked on Henk's stairs until 4:30 then came home to a real nice supper Kristy prepared( Garlic Chicken). My best friend for years now (Ed) called and asked how I was doing and when I go to see the doctor. It is nice to know that your friends care about what is happening in your life. Last night we practiced at The Dutch Club and all the guys are concerned about my cancer situation and some said they will be praying for me. Thanks guys. One more day and I hope to finish Henk's floor and then on Thursday morning at 9:00am I am off to see Dr Estay and hopefully get a date for the surgery. Hope and Pray that God has Blessed you all today. Bye for now . Please Pray for Wendy. If you read her blog it will explain why she needs prayer. Thanks
Friday, June 15, 2007
Friday Evening

Well here it is the end of the week again already. It has been a busy one for me. Today I went to breakfast with my friend Art at Happ's and then at 9 am. I headed out to my other friend Art (Barns) to help him with his shed that he is building. He had the wall all pre fabed. He built them the other day all by himself. Today we put them together and fastened them to the floor. We had a bit of a time to get them all straight. He is building it all out of junk wood that he is getting from different job site that he cleans up. They throw away lot of short pieces up to 4 ft. long. Some are just dirty and some have nail holes in and some there is nothing wrong except they are not quite 4 ft. long. His wall are made of 2x4 3ft.4 inches. and then we put them together to make a 6ft. 8 inch wall. It worked out real well. Then we went to Subway and had a sub and I headed home. Oh Art gave me a beautiful tool. It has lots of uses and all in a little pouch that goes on your belt. It is a multi purpose tool with a saw blade, pliers, different screw drivers, and all and I'm not even sure what else it has yet. Then I came home and mowed our lawn, then I just sat in the Sun for about an hour. It felt real good to just lay in the sun and take it easy for a change. All week I have been working for my buddy Henk putting laminate floor down in his house. We still have a couple of days to go but not until next week Monday or Tuesday. Then tonight I came down stairs after Wendy went to work and I practiced my harmonica because we have a gig tomorrow night in Devon. We are playing at a birthday party for a lady. It is her 75 th birthday I think and we will be her surprise. Tomorrow I have a deck to scrap dawn and stain and some flower boxes . Then my work around the house should be complete enough for me to go to the Lake for a couple of day and do a little fishing. Our back yard is beautiful. Well I think I will go up stairs and get some Ice Cream and watch a little TV and then hit the sack and call it a day. Oh a little update on my sister who had a couple of mini strokes last week. She is home now and says she is feeling fine. They have her on blood thinners of some kind but she assured me she was doing okay. I'd like to fly down for a week but I have an appointment with the surgeon on the 21st. and I don't want to miss that. I have been waiting long enough. Well I'm out of here . That my story and I'm sticking to it.
Thursday, June 14, 2007
Thursday Morning
Well it is Thursday morning and all is well. I have a little silly story to tell. On Tuesday I went to see my friend Hess at The Golden Hour Clock shop. I went to see him because he called and told me that My wife's clock was ready and that I should stop and have coffee with him which we often do. Tuesday afternoon after doing a lot of little things that I had to do I decided to go to the clock shop and have coffee and pick up the clock. Got to the clock shop had coffee, sat and chatted with Hess about a lot of everything but not much of anything if you get my drift. The usual, kids, cars, friends,clocks, money (how little we make and how much we spend) and how fast it goes,wives,( how sweet they are and how Lucky we are to have them )operations we had and what we will have and then a customer came in and I decided that I had taken up enough of Hess's time so home I went. When I got home I read the little note I had written when he called me that said (Pick up Clock) Guess what is still sitting in his shop? I guess you would call that a Senior Moment eh? Well maybe I'll stop in and get the clock sometime today. Got to go to St Albert and try to finish Henk's floor.
Saturday, June 09, 2007
Saturday evening
Well I talked to my sister Betty on the phone tonight. My brother e-mailed me her phone number at the hospital in Florida. She sounded real good and says she is feeling really good. She says that the strokes she had were mini strokes and she has no problem talking ,walking or with her arm. everything seems to be okay now. Thanks you everyone for your prayers.She says she might be able to go home tomorrow. I'll keep you all updated . Have a great day. Love you all.
Friday, June 08, 2007
Friday on Lefthbridge
Hi Merlin& Betty. I have tried to access my e-mail but for some reason it won't work down here.
I was wondering if you heard any more about Sis?? Is she alright or what. I she still in the hospital?Maybe shaw cable is just down at the moment. Who knows?
I was wondering if you heard any more about Sis?? Is she alright or what. I she still in the hospital?Maybe shaw cable is just down at the moment. Who knows?
Thursday, June 07, 2007
Thursday Evening.
Well I have been real busy putting a floor(laminated flooring) down for my friend Henk. It sure looks nice if I must say so myself. I started on Monday but being retired I don't do the 8 to 5 thing. I think I worked 6 hours Monday, 5 hours Tuesday, 5 hours Wed, and 7 hours today so we finished the living room and hall way and 2 closets. I don't know how many boxes of floor we put down but my knees tells me it must have been about 20. His floor is different it is only 5 inches wide and 54 inches long. Well at least he can put his furniture back in place now.
Then I came home grabbed a bite to eat and took Wendy to work then went to Safeway and picked up my meds. then off we went to Parkland kennels and dropped Madison off. She really didn't want to get out of the car when we got there but with her head down and walked very slowly we went in. Barked as I was leaving, like to say don't forget to come back and get me.
Today when I got home from Henks I had to call my brother Merlin in Reno and he informed me that my sister in Tampa Florida had a stroke today and was in hospital there. Her daughter Renee called him and told him that this morning they were sitting at the table and Sis said that she wasn't feeling just right. She said she felt real dizzy. Then she went to get up and fell on the floor. Renee quickly called 911 and with in a few minutes they were there and took her to the hospital. He said she was in stable condition and in intense care. He is going to call me tomorrow in Lethbridge and give me an update. If you find time please pray for her . Her name is Betty and she is 8 years younger that I am. Well that all for today.Guess I 'll try to get a good night sleep.
Then I came home grabbed a bite to eat and took Wendy to work then went to Safeway and picked up my meds. then off we went to Parkland kennels and dropped Madison off. She really didn't want to get out of the car when we got there but with her head down and walked very slowly we went in. Barked as I was leaving, like to say don't forget to come back and get me.
Today when I got home from Henks I had to call my brother Merlin in Reno and he informed me that my sister in Tampa Florida had a stroke today and was in hospital there. Her daughter Renee called him and told him that this morning they were sitting at the table and Sis said that she wasn't feeling just right. She said she felt real dizzy. Then she went to get up and fell on the floor. Renee quickly called 911 and with in a few minutes they were there and took her to the hospital. He said she was in stable condition and in intense care. He is going to call me tomorrow in Lethbridge and give me an update. If you find time please pray for her . Her name is Betty and she is 8 years younger that I am. Well that all for today.Guess I 'll try to get a good night sleep.
Sunday, June 03, 2007
Sunday Evening
Hi everyone. It's me again. Well today was a busy day but a fun day. Went to church and listen to Pastor Keith. Real good sermon as usual and I had a treat sitting with my beautiful wife for a change. Usually she is working at the Comp center or working in the book store so I have to sit along. Well I usually find (someone) to sit with. Last week it was Kristy as she was up and stayed over night the night before. After service there was an older lady and I'm never can remember her name but she has been at Beulah forever and she said (Oh Hi Floyd was that another one of your daughters sitting with you today.) LOL When I told her it was my wife she said (Wendy??) and then she got all red and said that she was sitting in the back and her eye sight wasn't so good any more. I told her Wendy is looking younger every day and then off she went. Then I had to count as I was Head teller today. We have an awesome crew on the first Sunday of the Month and I really enjoy working with them. It is Lisa, Brenda, Darryl, John and Vern. What a fun and Godly bunch. You got to love them and real good at what they are doing.
Well then I came home about 2:00pm. and Wendy had made lunch. After that I sat out in the beautiful sun for a little while but it was kind of hot so then I watched a bit of TV or should I say listened to the TV with my eyes closed. I'm trying to save my eyes for when I get old. Ha ha. I did watch a bit of (So You think you can dance) or something like that. Then Kristy and Cassie came over for a little while and after they left I went to Safeway and bought some meat for supper. I cooked some shish'kabobs using Tomatoes,Cauliflower, Broccoli, Mushrooms, Red and Green peppers, Onions and Small potatoes and Beef. Sure was good. Oh we talked to Mandy and Jorge for a while this afternoon too. Sure do miss that pair.
Well I should do a bit of practicing the Harmonica and then I should go out and water our plants and flowers in our back yard. Tomorrow will be another busy day. It will be Breakfast with the Seniors and then off to St Albert and help my friend Henk put down some Laminate floor in his living room hall and stairs. Guess that will take a few days. Maybe tomorrow evening I will still have enough energy to scrap some stain off my deck and stain it again as it needs it really bad. I have some flower boxes to do too. Oh well there is always another day eh? Wish you were here Jorge. It's not so much fun working by myself and going to breakfast by myself at A&W.(sigh)
Well that's my story and I sticking to it. God Bless all you guys that read this silly Blog.
Love you all.
Well then I came home about 2:00pm. and Wendy had made lunch. After that I sat out in the beautiful sun for a little while but it was kind of hot so then I watched a bit of TV or should I say listened to the TV with my eyes closed. I'm trying to save my eyes for when I get old. Ha ha. I did watch a bit of (So You think you can dance) or something like that. Then Kristy and Cassie came over for a little while and after they left I went to Safeway and bought some meat for supper. I cooked some shish'kabobs using Tomatoes,Cauliflower, Broccoli, Mushrooms, Red and Green peppers, Onions and Small potatoes and Beef. Sure was good. Oh we talked to Mandy and Jorge for a while this afternoon too. Sure do miss that pair.
Well I should do a bit of practicing the Harmonica and then I should go out and water our plants and flowers in our back yard. Tomorrow will be another busy day. It will be Breakfast with the Seniors and then off to St Albert and help my friend Henk put down some Laminate floor in his living room hall and stairs. Guess that will take a few days. Maybe tomorrow evening I will still have enough energy to scrap some stain off my deck and stain it again as it needs it really bad. I have some flower boxes to do too. Oh well there is always another day eh? Wish you were here Jorge. It's not so much fun working by myself and going to breakfast by myself at A&W.(sigh)
Well that's my story and I sticking to it. God Bless all you guys that read this silly Blog.
Love you all.
Friday, June 01, 2007

Well today was a beautiful day and I might add a bit warm. This morning at 9 my friend Art came over and off we went the 2 (old retired guys) to work. I had a what I thought was a small job putting the eve troughs that I picked up the other day on a garage. Art called yesterday and said I shouldn't be climbing around on ladders all by myself so over he came. What a guy. I guess it makes sense that it is better to have 2 old guys on ladders instead of 1 eh? Ha ha. I was glad that he came to help It would have taken me all day by myself. It took the 2 of us 6 hours. 26 foot eve trough is a bit hard to handle by yourself. I put up one piece 26foot 8 inch on my house yesterday by myself and it is a bit of a challenge. What I had to do was put a screw in about 6foot from one end and put a string on the trough and tie it off short then go to the other end and lift it up close to where I wanted it and put a screw in that end. Then go back to the other end and take the string off and put a screw in to hold that, then it was a breeze from there on. I think I only had to go up and down the ladder about 25 times. I guess I am just thank full that I can still climb ladders at my age.
Our back yard is just beautiful right now with all the flowers and the Lilacs are all out now and smell so nice.
Wendy is off to meet her sister and then she has to go to work at 10pm. until 2am. Guess they are short staff in the office.
Well after a day on the ladders I thought that I would just come down and relax and play a bit music. I enjoy playing. I'm not sure if Madison is enjoying it or just putting up with it ???
Oh well I hope she likes it. Who knows eh?
Well it is getting late and I should get my beauty sleep right. Lord knows I need it.
I pray you will all have a blessed evening.
Wednesday, May 30, 2007
It's a long story. Tuesday afternoon

Well it Tuesday afternoon and I have been running around picking up eve trough for my house over the deck and another job I have to do for a friend of ours. With a little Ford Ranger which is not too long as you can see it is a bit of a challenge to load and tie down 26ft.8 in. eve trough on to it and drive across town to the west end. With that long eve trough it sure makes my truck look little eh? We made it, now I just have to deliver the other 2 pieces to the other job. Wendy is still sleeping so I am trying to be a bit quiet around the house and not wake her up as she has to work again tonight at 6:30pm. Then she is (supposed to be) off for the next 4 days. We'll have to wait and see how that turns out. I had breakfast at Happ's with my friend Art and we had a good chat. We solved half the problems of the world but guess the other half will have to wait a day or so eh? Then went and looked at a small deck job and still have to go look at one more. I guess you could say I am a Retired workee. Ha ha. Well got go. I pray that you all will have a great day. God Bless you all.
Monday, May 28, 2007
Our God is so GOOD. Monday May28th.
Here it is Monday morning and God has given us another beautiful day. I'm excited to see what he has planned for me today. I have had a great weekend. Wendy went on a ladies retreat so I went to the lake. Me and Madison. She just loves the lake. I got there about 7:30 Friday evening. It was the first time out there this year. I opened the trailer and swept all the spiders off the front door and windows along with all the dead mosquito's and then wiped down the whole trailer, walls and cabinets. Started the fridge and brought in all the things that I had in the back of the truck. Bedding, food,water,cleaning supplies, toilet paper and all that stuff that we think we need out there. Then I realized that I didn't bring my radio so it was kind of quiet out here. I was the only one here. Well about 10:30 I finished raking around the trailer and decided to go in and sit down for a few minutes. Made the bed up and thought that I would just lay down and read my Bible a bit. And that's exactly what happened because I probably only read for about 5 minutes before falling asleep. I woke up about 12:30, put my Bible on the shelf and got into bed. It was quite cool so I lit the furnace and off I went until about 7:30 Sat. Morning when Madison woke me up to go out. Then I decided to go into Alberta Beach and have breakfast as it was real quiet and Madison don't say much. Had breakfast and bought a few things at the store and came back to the trailer. As we drove in a big skunk was walking down the drive and just went under the deck right behind my trailer. Fortunately Madison was running along side of my truck and never saw the skunk. I quickly stop the truck and made her get into the truck and then parked it and left her in there. That was a close one. I then put her in the trailer for a few minutes until I made sure that stupid old skunk was gone. She was not impressed but I didn't have any tomato juice and I didn't want her to get after that skunk again. That happen twice in the last 2 years. Well anyway then I got the boat out and off we went fishing. I got 2 Walleyes and 2 jack. Just when I got the last Jack my cell phone rang and so I scrambled to get that and keep the fish on the line at the same time. It was my son in-law Bob and he asked if I wanted some company. He and his dad (Art)and Hudson his dog came out and they stayed until about 8pm. Art and I went into Alberta Beach and bought some smokies and we built a fire in my fireplace and we cut some sticks and cooked the smokies over the open fire. Madison and Hudson had a ball chasing each other around. Then Bob and Art left for home and I just sat and watched the fire. About 10pm. I decided to go in and about 2 minutes later I had a knock on my door asking if I was lonesome. It was Gill our neighbor and he had just came up to the lake by himself. So we put a few more logs on the fire and chatted for about an hour. Sunday morning it was a bit cloudy and the wind was starting to come up. Mattie and I went fishing and only stayed about an hour as it was getting pretty choppy out there. Never even got a bite. Then Benny and Ann came out and they opened up their trailer and we had coffee. Ann makes good coffee. I helped Benny rake around our friends trailer (Gordon) so he won't have to do it when he comes out.
Well I got home about 3pm. Sunday afternoon. Wendy got home about 4 minutes after I did. I showered and headed off to Harry Waranka for his retirement party. Wendy decided not to go as she had to get up at 4:3o am for work and thought she would rest up for tomorrow. Anyway off I went and the party was great and I had lots of fun and met lots of people I hadn't seen in a while. I got home and Wendy had already gone to bed so I crawled into bed and almost went to sleep when the door bell rang and we both sprang out of bed wondering who that could be. It was 2 young Police officers asking about if it was me that called them and something about some guy that was taken to the hospital. I was totally in the dark about this and said no it wasn't us that called but he assured me that the phone call came from my house. Then Wendy came out and said oh yes it was her that called and the young guy was beaten up and sprayed with some kind of spray and taken to the hospital. Ok shut my mouth and listened. Next time I'm out when I get back I think I will wake her and ask her if there is any thing I should know. Wow What a surprise. The 2 police officers must have thought that I was stupid or on something eh?
Well today was another day of just being busy. I went to breakfast at A&W with the seniors and then came home and Wendy had come home from work sick. So I loaded my truck with some tools and decided to go help Bob's Dad, Art put some OSB board down for a floor on his new shed that he is building. First I drove to the north side and ordered 2 orders of eves trough for a couple of jobs for tomorrow and the next day. Art is building his shed from material that he gets going to see some of the housing contractors and cleaning up around the houses for them. So we had to do lots of cutting.
I got home about 4:30 and had some supper and then here I am finishing my blog.
Well I got home about 3pm. Sunday afternoon. Wendy got home about 4 minutes after I did. I showered and headed off to Harry Waranka for his retirement party. Wendy decided not to go as she had to get up at 4:3o am for work and thought she would rest up for tomorrow. Anyway off I went and the party was great and I had lots of fun and met lots of people I hadn't seen in a while. I got home and Wendy had already gone to bed so I crawled into bed and almost went to sleep when the door bell rang and we both sprang out of bed wondering who that could be. It was 2 young Police officers asking about if it was me that called them and something about some guy that was taken to the hospital. I was totally in the dark about this and said no it wasn't us that called but he assured me that the phone call came from my house. Then Wendy came out and said oh yes it was her that called and the young guy was beaten up and sprayed with some kind of spray and taken to the hospital. Ok shut my mouth and listened. Next time I'm out when I get back I think I will wake her and ask her if there is any thing I should know. Wow What a surprise. The 2 police officers must have thought that I was stupid or on something eh?
Well today was another day of just being busy. I went to breakfast at A&W with the seniors and then came home and Wendy had come home from work sick. So I loaded my truck with some tools and decided to go help Bob's Dad, Art put some OSB board down for a floor on his new shed that he is building. First I drove to the north side and ordered 2 orders of eves trough for a couple of jobs for tomorrow and the next day. Art is building his shed from material that he gets going to see some of the housing contractors and cleaning up around the houses for them. So we had to do lots of cutting.
I got home about 4:30 and had some supper and then here I am finishing my blog.
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