Well today was a beautiful day and I might add a bit warm. This morning at 9 my friend Art came over and off we went the 2 (old retired guys) to work. I had a what I thought was a small job putting the eve troughs that I picked up the other day on a garage. Art called yesterday and said I shouldn't be climbing around on ladders all by myself so over he came. What a guy. I guess it makes sense that it is better to have 2 old guys on ladders instead of 1 eh? Ha ha. I was glad that he came to help It would have taken me all day by myself. It took the 2 of us 6 hours. 26 foot eve trough is a bit hard to handle by yourself. I put up one piece 26foot 8 inch on my house yesterday by myself and it is a bit of a challenge. What I had to do was put a screw in about 6foot from one end and put a string on the trough and tie it off short then go to the other end and lift it up close to where I wanted it and put a screw in that end. Then go back to the other end and take the string off and put a screw in to hold that, then it was a breeze from there on. I think I only had to go up and down the ladder about 25 times. I guess I am just thank full that I can still climb ladders at my age.
Our back yard is just beautiful right now with all the flowers and the Lilacs are all out now and smell so nice.
Wendy is off to meet her sister and then she has to go to work at 10pm. until 2am. Guess they are short staff in the office.
Well after a day on the ladders I thought that I would just come down and relax and play a bit music. I enjoy playing. I'm not sure if Madison is enjoying it or just putting up with it ???
Oh well I hope she likes it. Who knows eh?
Well it is getting late and I should get my beauty sleep right. Lord knows I need it.
I pray you will all have a blessed evening.
Good photos, hon. I'm sure glad Art came with you because, he's right, you shouldn't be climbing ladders by yourself....
Mad looks like she's enjoying the music - it's putting her to sleep!
Great photos Dad! I just love the smell of lilacs. I am glad Art helped you out, I can imagine it would have taken much longer by yourself.
Dad, I'm glad Art came and helped you!
I love these pics, especially the one of the lilac bush, so beautiful!
Love you,
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