Well it's been a while since I updated this but I have been a bit under the weather and in and out of the hospital so that's the reason.
Well lets see I think it was last Saturday that I started feeling bad and it went all down hill from there. I went to church on Sunday morning and didn't feel great but it wasn't too bad but by the time I got home I was really hurting. That afternoon I got sick to my stomach and my guts really hurt. I didn't eat anything on Sunday. I felt a bit better on Monday morning and I went to A&W and ate about half a Bacon and Egger. I went home and started feeling bad again and it just got worst from there. Monday evening I was in big trouble but toughed it out until Tuesday morning. The pain just kept getting worst so about 1 pm. I think it was Wendy took me over to the hospital and then I spent about another 7 hours there. They did a CAT scan and a ultra sound and poked needles in my arm and couldn't find anything so they sent me home. I just got home and then got sick as a dog again and then went to bed and slept for a few hours. Wed. was another day of pain but it started to let up in the afternoon. I slept pretty good Wed. night and felt pretty good this morning. I had a doctors appointment today at 4:15pm. at Dr. Brownoff. This morning I had some toast and that stayed down and at noon I had a bit of Wendy's home made soup and kept that down. Tonight I had big supper and still feel good. I guess it was just a flu of some sort but who knows?
Well hopefully I am back on the mend and will feel better tomorrow. I sick and tired of feeling sick and tired. haha
Thanks for all your prayers. Don't think I could have made it without them. Think I had better start eating and see if I can gain some of the 27lbs that I lost back or at least some of it. I look pretty slim trim right now and all my clothes are a bit big on me. I even lost my stick out tummy but I hope to keep that off in the future. Guess I'll have to work on that eh?
I am heeling up pretty well from the operation so that's a good thing. Thank God for that.
Well that's my story and I'm sticking to it. Have a great day and may God Bless each and every one of you. Again thanks for your prayers.
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