Sunday, June 03, 2007

Sunday Evening

Hi everyone. It's me again. Well today was a busy day but a fun day. Went to church and listen to Pastor Keith. Real good sermon as usual and I had a treat sitting with my beautiful wife for a change. Usually she is working at the Comp center or working in the book store so I have to sit along. Well I usually find (someone) to sit with. Last week it was Kristy as she was up and stayed over night the night before. After service there was an older lady and I'm never can remember her name but she has been at Beulah forever and she said (Oh Hi Floyd was that another one of your daughters sitting with you today.) LOL When I told her it was my wife she said (Wendy??) and then she got all red and said that she was sitting in the back and her eye sight wasn't so good any more. I told her Wendy is looking younger every day and then off she went. Then I had to count as I was Head teller today. We have an awesome crew on the first Sunday of the Month and I really enjoy working with them. It is Lisa, Brenda, Darryl, John and Vern. What a fun and Godly bunch. You got to love them and real good at what they are doing.
Well then I came home about 2:00pm. and Wendy had made lunch. After that I sat out in the beautiful sun for a little while but it was kind of hot so then I watched a bit of TV or should I say listened to the TV with my eyes closed. I'm trying to save my eyes for when I get old. Ha ha. I did watch a bit of (So You think you can dance) or something like that. Then Kristy and Cassie came over for a little while and after they left I went to Safeway and bought some meat for supper. I cooked some shish'kabobs using Tomatoes,Cauliflower, Broccoli, Mushrooms, Red and Green peppers, Onions and Small potatoes and Beef. Sure was good. Oh we talked to Mandy and Jorge for a while this afternoon too. Sure do miss that pair.
Well I should do a bit of practicing the Harmonica and then I should go out and water our plants and flowers in our back yard. Tomorrow will be another busy day. It will be Breakfast with the Seniors and then off to St Albert and help my friend Henk put down some Laminate floor in his living room hall and stairs. Guess that will take a few days. Maybe tomorrow evening I will still have enough energy to scrap some stain off my deck and stain it again as it needs it really bad. I have some flower boxes to do too. Oh well there is always another day eh? Wish you were here Jorge. It's not so much fun working by myself and going to breakfast by myself at A&W.(sigh)
Well that's my story and I sticking to it. God Bless all you guys that read this silly Blog.
Love you all.


Wendy said...

I'm not a guy, but I read your "silly old blog" - LOL.

Thanks for all the work you do, hon, in the garden and deck. You should sit in the sun more often!! Wait, no, you should sit in the *shade* more often!!!

Love you!

Kristy said...

Hi Dad, LOL to what that lady in church said!! I bet she felt so bad as she walked away!!

Love you,

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