Thursday, June 14, 2007

Thursday Morning

Well it is Thursday morning and all is well. I have a little silly story to tell. On Tuesday I went to see my friend Hess at The Golden Hour Clock shop. I went to see him because he called and told me that My wife's clock was ready and that I should stop and have coffee with him which we often do. Tuesday afternoon after doing a lot of little things that I had to do I decided to go to the clock shop and have coffee and pick up the clock. Got to the clock shop had coffee, sat and chatted with Hess about a lot of everything but not much of anything if you get my drift. The usual, kids, cars, friends,clocks, money (how little we make and how much we spend) and how fast it goes,wives,( how sweet they are and how Lucky we are to have them )operations we had and what we will have and then a customer came in and I decided that I had taken up enough of Hess's time so home I went. When I got home I read the little note I had written when he called me that said (Pick up Clock) Guess what is still sitting in his shop? I guess you would call that a Senior Moment eh? Well maybe I'll stop in and get the clock sometime today. Got to go to St Albert and try to finish Henk's floor.


Kristy said...

hahahahahaha - that is a great story Dad! I can so see myself doing the same thing, visiting and then forgetting to do what I actually came to do! I have to admit, that has happened to me on more then one occasion. I don't have the best memory in the world!

Just always remember Dad - I LOVE YOU!!!!


Wendy said...

Ha ha...I wondered where it was this morning! That's okay, hon - at least I know it's ready to go! And I'm so glad you had some good visiting time with Hess!!