Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Wed. evening

Hi everybody. We today has been a busy but unsettled day for me. Seems that no mater what I do I a bit unsettled. Who know why??? Well this morning I bowled with the Senior league and did not to bad. I61, 209 and 202. Not bad for and old goat eh? Then after bowling I went to lunch with Henk and Mat. Henk and Mat used to work together but haven't seen one and other for about 12 or 15 years. After lunch I took Henk home to St Albert and then came home and tried to do some work in the shop but that didn't work so I went shopping at Safe way as we needed a few things like Ice cream and things like that eh? You know things we needed. Oh well guess there is no fooling you guys. Any way then it was home and getting ready for our men's group to night. I baked a cake last night for them so now you see why I needed the Ice Cream. Good plan eh? Hope you all have a great day. And you blogger keep on blogging.


Kristy said...

I'm sorry you had an unsettled day today Dad - just remember, I love you very much! Good job on bowling, you are getting better and better all the time.

I bought ice cream the other day too, I figured if you were coming to visit, I needed to make sure I had ice cream in the freezer. As I know how much you like to "sacrifice" as Jorge would say!! hahaha

Enjoy your mens group - I know they appreciate you!

Love you lots and lots,

Mommy said...

Thank you for sharing your day with us, even though it left you feeling unsettled. I have days like that too, it's not a good feeling, eh?

Great bowling score! Yikes, if I tried to bowl it would be a sad, sad number lol. I am very impressed!

I'm glad you had fun with your friends Henk and Mat. I bet it was neat since they hadn't seen each other in so many years.

I hope you enjoyed some of that cake and icecream!