Well today has been a downer I guess you could call it. I haven't felt good all day and for the first time in about 15 years I have had a headache all day long. Just took some aspern and it is seems to be going away. I got up and did a bit of raking on the lawn then cut a few of the hollyhocks stems. Then took my BBQ apart because the heat shield is almost burned Thur. Then I laid in the sun for about an hour. Just couldn't settle into to anything. I guess it was just one of those days. I went to Home Depot and a lady backed up and hit my bumper. Then I drove to Future shop and another lady almost knocked me down with her car door then told me I should be more careful. I held my tounge. I was already half way out when she swung her door open and hit me. Oh well. Then I went to 4 other places looking for some parts for my BBQ and couldn't find them. Then the traffic was so bad it took me over and hour to get home. I guess some days are like that eh?
Hope and pray you all had a better day.
Saturday, April 28, 2007
Thursday, April 26, 2007
Thursday Afternoon
Yesterday Was a busy day I went to meet Hunter for breakfast and then bowled with the guys. Came home and Wendy made us lunch and I went out and raked (just a little bit) then took a little nap in the sun. Sure was nice sitting in the sun for a change. Then I went in my shop and worked on some piano benches. We had our men's group last night.
Today I got up had breakfast and went beck to the shop and almost finished the benches. When I came out for lunch it was so nice out I went outside on the deck and laid in the sun for an hour. I just have a little more sanding and then packaging the 4 benches and then I can deliver them tomorrow. Well won't finish setting here so hope you all have a great day.
GOD bless you all
Today I got up had breakfast and went beck to the shop and almost finished the benches. When I came out for lunch it was so nice out I went outside on the deck and laid in the sun for an hour. I just have a little more sanding and then packaging the 4 benches and then I can deliver them tomorrow. Well won't finish setting here so hope you all have a great day.
GOD bless you all
Tuesday, April 24, 2007
Tuesday April 24,2007
Well I had a busy day so far and it looks like I'll be busy a while longer. I went to the Hospital first thing and got a blood test done for The Cross Cancer Hospital. Then I came home and fried a couple of eggs and then changed. We have to ware black pants and white shirt when we are serving the Seniors Lunch. We had about 140 people there I guess. I didn't count but there were about 16 table and about 9 people at each one. I worked until 2 pm. and then rushed home to meet Art Barns (Bobs Dad). He wants me to help him build his shed in the back of his house. Art is a real nice guy and it should be fun working with him again. He helped me when I was putting in windows into my house last year. Now I am going to quit doing this blog and go into my shop and try to finish the benches for Don's Piano Warehouse. Tomorrow I have to call a lady that has a cupboard to put up and a book stand and a shelf. Staying busy helps me keep my mind off this thing that I am going through. Wendy will be home about 7 and I want to be able to sit down with her and spend some time. She is such a sweetheart and I sure do LOVE her. I thank the LORD for her everyday. OK I had better get those benches done. So I'm out of here. Buy for today.
Monday, April 23, 2007
Monday morning
Well here it is 5 am. and I am wide awake. Been awake since 4 am. so thought that I would come check out the old computer eh? I didn't do much yesterday. Went to church at nine. I had to pick up Mrs. Mulbier because Ron was working at Safeway. Our Men's group have been taking the Mulbiers to church for the last couple of years now. Tim, Ron and I take turns. Mr Mulbier doesn't drive anymore and I don't think Mrs. Mulbier ever drove. They are both in their 80's. A real sweet couple. I had to count after service so I quickly took Mrs Mulbier home and came back to the church and filled in as head teller. Normally I do that at the first of each month but Laurent was away at a retreat so I filled in for him. Wendy was working at the book store so we were both at the church all morning. We got home about 1:30. Wendy made lunch and then I went out side and took a few pictures and played with the dog for a few minutes. It sure felt like spring. Watched a bit of Boxing on the TV and watched my man Manfrado get beat. (Sigh). Then Wendy and I watched the last 2 CSI's of season 3. Now I guess we have to wait for until they bring out season 4. I made supper and Wendy made a nice Apple desert(Too good). Then about 10:30 we packed it in. Sundays are usually pretty quiet around here. A lot of time Wendy is working on Sundays so I just lay around by my self. Sunday's are nice to just lay around and take it easy. Now today is a different story. I usually for to breakfast with the Seniors from 8 to 10 at A&W and then it's off to the bowling alley at 11 and we usually finish about 1:00 or 1:30. Most of the guys are 60 to 85 years old and they are a real fun group. Always joking around and just love bowling. These guys are really good bowlers. Then after bowling I have to come home and try to finish some Piano Benches I have on my bench for Don's Piano Warehouse. Then I have practice tonight with The Harmonika Rascals from 7 to 10:00pm. Well that's my story and I'm sticking to it . Have a great day and God Bless you all.
Friday, April 20, 2007
End of the week
Well here it is Friday (The end of the week) already. boy how time flies. Well this morning I was up at 7:10 am. When I came out of the bed room there was Wendy on her laptop. I didn't even hear her come in from work. So she headed off to bed and I headed off to Happs for breakfast and to see a friend. Actually I saw 2 friends while I was there. I had breakfast with Hunter and then my friend Art came in so I sat and talked a bit with him. Then I headed out to the south side of town where I used to work (Superior Lumber). Got there and saw all the guys and gals and chatted for a while. Then went into Rob's office and chatted with him for a while. I was telling him about our Chile trip and he was saying how he remembered when Mandy was born and we brought her over and showed her off to all the guys at Superior. He was asking about all my girl and their families. He has 3 boys. Then I spilt coffee on my shirt and we had a good laugh over that. I had a styrofoam cup with a hole in the bottom. Then he said (oh) here take off that shirt and put this one on it doesn't have coffee on it yet but give us a few minutes and one of us will spill again soon probably. Then he gave me a SUPERIOR tee shirt and another shirt which he got from Can-Wel a wholesale company. After I bought a saw blade and a box of flat washer I dropped in at Taiga Forest Products just to say (Hi) and they gave me a new Taiga Jacket. Now if I could just find a company that is giving away pants I would have a whole outfit eh? Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha. While I was there Tom asked if I was interested in changing all the doors in his house for him . Seems like I could be real busy for a while if I want to. I am building 4 piano benches for Don's Piano Warehouse now, that's what I needed the saw blade and the flat washers for. Yesterday Gwen, a lady from our church asked if I would put some eves trough up for her on her new garage and another lady want me to fix some cabinets for her so I guess I will be busy for a while eh? Hank just called and I am meeting him for breakfast tomorrow morning at 8:30am. Well guess I should go finish those Piano benches. Hey did you guys see the NEW Photo challenge that Wendy put on the Blog this morning?? Looking forward to seeing some good pictures eh?? Sounds like fun (Spring things). Well hope and pray that you all have a great day.
Keep smiling and keep you eyes on God. God Bless you all.
Keep smiling and keep you eyes on God. God Bless you all.
Thursday, April 19, 2007
Thursday Good News and Bad News
Well it's been a while since I updated this old Bolg so here goes. The Good News is I got a call today from my doctor's office saying that I have not 1 but 2 appointments with The Cross Cancer Hospital. May 9th. ( at 9:45am. for new patients information and then on May 10th. at 10 am. for consultation about radiation (the pro's and con's). So the good new is I do have dates but the bad news is it is not until May. Thats another 3 weeks. This waiting is killing me but maybe now I can get some sleep and they don't seem too worried about it so why am I? I guess the word cancer scares me eh?
Well last week Friday, Wendy and I went to Lethbridge and we stayed until Tuesday. We left about 2 in the afternoon. We had a real good time with the kids and Tanya and Tom. The kids have grown up so much. they sure are a cute bunch. We even got to play a new game with Tom. Tanya and the kids.
Today I had lunch with Pastor Keith. He is such a neat guy. We talked a little about everything but not much of anything. Mostly kids, family, who people see us as Christians and the price of houses these days.
Wednesday evening we had our Men's group here again. They sure are an encouraging bunch. I just love each one of them.
Well Wendy is working tonight so guess I'll just practice my harmonica for a little while and then get to bed and see if I can sleep tonight. Have a great day.
Well last week Friday, Wendy and I went to Lethbridge and we stayed until Tuesday. We left about 2 in the afternoon. We had a real good time with the kids and Tanya and Tom. The kids have grown up so much. they sure are a cute bunch. We even got to play a new game with Tom. Tanya and the kids.
Today I had lunch with Pastor Keith. He is such a neat guy. We talked a little about everything but not much of anything. Mostly kids, family, who people see us as Christians and the price of houses these days.
Wednesday evening we had our Men's group here again. They sure are an encouraging bunch. I just love each one of them.
Well Wendy is working tonight so guess I'll just practice my harmonica for a little while and then get to bed and see if I can sleep tonight. Have a great day.
Wednesday, April 11, 2007
Wed. Evening
We today started out like most Wednesdays. I bowled at 9am. Didn't do as well as I would have liked but not to bad. 175, 213 and 168=556 for total. Today was our final league game. We came out in first place which was good.I really enjoy bowling with Mat and Art. They are really nice guys and fun to bowl with. Then after bowling we all went to Smileys for lunch and the gave our the final awards and money for the standings. We did pretty well. After that I went home and watched a bit of TV with Wendy and then I had a doctors appointment at 3pm. Tomorrow they are calling Cross Cancer Clinic and see if they have a assigned a surgeon and maybe find out just when. This waiting is driving me nuts. Then this evening we had a Mens Group here at 7pm. I always enjoy the guys and love listening to their stories and find out how God has been working in their lives. They are an Awesome bunch. Wendy is working until 6:30 am tomorrow and will be home about 7am. I'll be out of the house most of the morning as I have to go buy some wood for some piano benches. I have and order for 4 so guess I should get started. That will keep me busy for a day or 2.
Tuesday, April 10, 2007
Tuesday Morning and all is snow

Hi guys well guess what I was hoping was that the Lord would send this to Chloe but he sent it to us again. Ha ha.
Well it is pretty, white, wet, cold and about 1- 1/2 inches thick so far but is still coming down. Wendy is at work and I'm not sure I want to go out this morning. Got some things I should do in my shop but got to turn the heat on first I guess. Been looking on The Photo Challenge and I see that Wendy was busy last night while I was out practicing with The Harmonika Rascals. I hate it when she beats me at the Challenge eh? but I have to addmit she sure took some good pictures. Oh well I'll see if I can find some different textures to photograph. Guess I'll have to get out my LITTLE Cannon Sure shot and go to work. Hope it don't cut into my shop time eh? I just knocked a box of Kleenex off my computer desk and it knocked my Batmobile phone down (sigh) a soft surface to a hard one. Ha ha. Might make a good picture, what do you think??
Well here is a picture of my back deck and our pretty white, wet snow.
Have a great day and when you think about it Pray for all our bloggers. God is good , God is Great.
God Bless you all
Monday, April 09, 2007
Monday Morning
Monday morning and almost all of our snow is gone. It is good to see that it has melted away over the weekend. I was reading Chloe's blog and she was so excited because it was snowing in Texas. We get excited when it don't snow. We left Edmonton on Friday morning and went to Kristy and Bob's for the weekend. We had lots of good laughs, watched a few CSI and a couple of Disney movies. We ate a lot. We had roast beef on Friday, Ham on Sat. and Turkey on Sunday. Shouldn't need any thing to eat for the next few days. Ha ha. We had fun and it was good to hear all their plans for the future. They sure are excited about going to Africa. It will be hard for us not seeing them for 6 months eh? Oh well we'll party when they get back right? Hopefully they will be able to e-mail us often and if they have a web cam we will be able to see them right? I know when Mandy was in Chile last year we used the web cam a lot. Well my sweetheart is sick today so I think I'll go see how she is. Maybe we ate too much over the week end. Well not sure what to do today but I have and order for a couple of Piano Bench so that will keep me busy for a day or so and today is bowling day so guess I'll be able to keep busy eh? It don't take much to keep me busy.
Well had a pretty good day at the bowling alleys. bowled 6 games. 200,183,204 179,191 and 211. not bad for an old fellow eh? We usually bowl 4 games but I guess all the guys felt good today so we bowled a couple more games. Sure hope I do that in the league on Wed. Morning. Wed. is our last day of league bowling for the year. Our team, Art, Mat and I are in first place out of 22 teams.My average is 182, Arts is 180 and Mats is 185.
Well had a pretty good day at the bowling alleys. bowled 6 games. 200,183,204 179,191 and 211. not bad for an old fellow eh? We usually bowl 4 games but I guess all the guys felt good today so we bowled a couple more games. Sure hope I do that in the league on Wed. Morning. Wed. is our last day of league bowling for the year. Our team, Art, Mat and I are in first place out of 22 teams.My average is 182, Arts is 180 and Mats is 185.
Thursday, April 05, 2007
Thursday Morning
Guess what? It is snowing outside again. Guess I have to realize that I live in Edmonton Alberta. Oh well it will get nice some day right? Wendy is sleeping and here I am at this stupid old computer blogging. There is a million other things I should be doing but thats another story. I have an appointment with Pastor Art at 1:35pm. today. I need something new for our men's group we finished The Wild at Heart Epic. That was good and the guys really liked it. We have 9 guys in our men's group and we meet every Wed. at my house at 7pm. Any of you guys interested in joining us for the evening (ya All come on). The Lord started this group in 1992 right after I came home from a Promise Keepers meeting. Remember I was the guy who was never going to lead a group. So I thought but the LORD had other plans. We have had many guys come and go and many have their own men's group going now.
Pray that the roads will stay nice. This afternoon we are going to go to Blackfalds and stay there and come home Sunday evening. I might even cook a Turkey on Sat. or Sunday. Who knows eh? Sounds like fun and probably cheaper then eating out right? I love visiting my kids. My niece Cassie is coming with us. Then next week we are going to Lethbridge for 4 days to see Tanya, Tom and the little ones(Sorry Adriana) but you'll always be my Little one right? She is getting so big. A beautiful little lady. Well I should get going and do something. I still got the million things to do right? I Pray you will all have a great day.
Pray that the roads will stay nice. This afternoon we are going to go to Blackfalds and stay there and come home Sunday evening. I might even cook a Turkey on Sat. or Sunday. Who knows eh? Sounds like fun and probably cheaper then eating out right? I love visiting my kids. My niece Cassie is coming with us. Then next week we are going to Lethbridge for 4 days to see Tanya, Tom and the little ones(Sorry Adriana) but you'll always be my Little one right? She is getting so big. A beautiful little lady. Well I should get going and do something. I still got the million things to do right? I Pray you will all have a great day.
Wednesday, April 04, 2007
Wed. evening
Hi everybody. We today has been a busy but unsettled day for me. Seems that no mater what I do I a bit unsettled. Who know why??? Well this morning I bowled with the Senior league and did not to bad. I61, 209 and 202. Not bad for and old goat eh? Then after bowling I went to lunch with Henk and Mat. Henk and Mat used to work together but haven't seen one and other for about 12 or 15 years. After lunch I took Henk home to St Albert and then came home and tried to do some work in the shop but that didn't work so I went shopping at Safe way as we needed a few things like Ice cream and things like that eh? You know things we needed. Oh well guess there is no fooling you guys. Any way then it was home and getting ready for our men's group to night. I baked a cake last night for them so now you see why I needed the Ice Cream. Good plan eh? Hope you all have a great day. And you blogger keep on blogging.
Monday, April 02, 2007
Monday Morning
Wow! It is snowing outside and thats not good but guess I have some good news anyway. My daughter Kristy just sent me an e-mail saying that YWAM has received some of their forms and they will soon get a firm answer from them. It sure is exciting to hear about Kristy and Bob applying to go to Africa on a YWAM DTS for 6 months. That is nice but that is a long ways away. But if God sends them there who am I to question. I sure will miss them. Then I will have one daughter in Chile and another in Africa. (Don't even think about it Tanya) Your far enough away as it is. I miss you every day. I really enjoyed the time we had together last week. We'll be down there next week and spend 3 or 4 days. It is awesome how God works in our lives. I really miss Mandy and Jorge. Oh and my niece Cassy is applying to go with YWAM to Chile in September too. So what am I doing sitting here, maybe I should be applying for something.(Sigh) The last mission trip for me was 2005 to Poland. I find that when I go on mission trips or just anywhere for more than 2 days I miss my sweetheart (Wendy). Last year I went to Flordia to see my sister for 2 weeks and that is too long to be away from her. I hadn't seen my sister for 7 or 8 years so it was good to see her.
My family will soon be spread all around the world. I will then need this old computer to keep in touch with them eh?
Well it's off to the bowling alley to bowl with some of my old Senior buddies. Well have a great day and remember God is Good. God Bless you all.
My family will soon be spread all around the world. I will then need this old computer to keep in touch with them eh?
Well it's off to the bowling alley to bowl with some of my old Senior buddies. Well have a great day and remember God is Good. God Bless you all.
Sunday, April 01, 2007
Sunday Afternoon

Sunday afternoon and all is well. I am just waiting for my sweetheart to come home from work. Sure did miss her today.
Well lets see this morning got up and got ready for church as usual and at 9am. I left for church. Had a coffee with some friends at the church and at 9:30 went to service. After service I had to count. W have an awesome team on the first Sunday of the month. We finished about 1:30pm.
Came home got some lunch and went down stairs and practiced playing for about 2 hours. then got on this old computer and did a bit of Blog searching. Seems not everyone up dates on the weekend. Including me. (Sigh). Did a bit of looking at some of our pictures of our grand kids. They sure are cute. I have this beautiful picture of one of my Grand daughters( the oldest one) on my computer as a screen saver. Maybe I'll share it with you all. Well didn't do much today so can't blog much eh? Hope and pray that you all have a great day.
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