Monday, January 29, 2007


This morning we all went to breakfast with the Seinors at the A&W at Mayfield Common. Then I came home did a bit on the computer and then off to bowl. Wendy,Mandy and Jorge went to CosTco and I went to Ed's. Boweled better than usual. 182,200, 230 and 208.
Bob and Kristy are coming up tonight. Bob just called and wanted to know if I could build a toy box. I guess one of his friends is looking for toy box of some sort. Tomorrow I have to go to help a couple with their dryer and then on Thursday I have too go give a fellow and estimate on a ceiling and on Friday I have to go see a guy about some shelf's. Guess I'll be busy for a few day's eh?

Sunday, January 28, 2007

Sunday afternoon

Today started off being busy at the Church. I had and interview at 10 then service. After that I sat and talk with some friends and then it was home and make lunch. Last night we were at Ed and Betty Giesbrecht for a beautiful supper and we chatted until about 10:15 and came home. Betty made Salmon in a loaf with rice and mushrooms and it was really good. The loafs were really large so we got to bring some home. That was my lunch today. Then I practiced on the harmonica's for about 2 hours. Getting ready for a gig at The Lynwood Seniors Home. We have to play on the 9Th of Feb. with The Harmonika Rascals. Tomorrow it breakfast with the Seniors and then I go bowling at Ed's. Mandy and Jorge will be home tomorrow from Lethbridge. It has been really quiet around here with just Wendy and I and our little black friend Madison. She is pretty good company. Well it is getting late so I should go make something for supper. Have a great day.

Saturday, January 27, 2007

Saturday Jan. 27, 2007

Where did the week go? My how time fly's weather your having fun or not. Kristy and Bob came up last night. Bob's Grandfather passed away so they came up last last night and stayed with us. They are going home this afternoon and then coming back on Tuesday. I think the funeral is on Wed. afternoon. It's a sad time for Bob.
Well can you believe it I went to the movies again last night. 2 movies in 2 days. That got to be a real record for me. I am not a movie person but I did enjoy both of them. We saw Deja-vue and A Night in the Museum. Wendy had to go back to work this morning. Wish she didn't have to work. We had fun for 4 days so that was good. Tonight we are going to some old friends for supper at 7pm. Kristy and Bob and I went to Happs for breakfast then to Moore's and Bob bought a suit. They are now headed for Spruce Grove and then back to Blackfalds.
I should try to take some pictures for the 20 questions that we are supposed to do on the Photo Challenge. Not sure I am going to be able to take a picture for each question but then again it is a challenge eh? It sure is quiet here with Mandy and Jorge gone and Wendy back at work. Just me and Maddie here and she don't talk just wines. Haha

Thursday, January 25, 2007


Well here it is Thursday and the last time I wrote was Last Friday. Must be getting old and lazy eh? Oh well things like that will happen I guess. I have been fairly busy. I bowled on Monday and then again on Wed. I have been bowling way over my head.Monday I had 170,199 and 202 and then on Wed. I bowled 171,199 and 203. My average now in the league is 182, not bad for and old fellow. Oh I just hurt my arm patting myself on the back eh?
Mandy and Jorge are probably in Blackfalls by now. Wendy and I just had supper and are going to a movie. I've seen more movies in the past 2 weeks that I have seen in the last 5 years. haha. Wendy wants me to go see another one that they saw the other night. Maybe tomorrow. Well I should go get ready to go to the movies with Wendy. At least we are doing things together eh? She is kind of cute you know and I think I'll keep her.Well I should go check the Blog Challenge and see who has put what on there.

Friday, January 19, 2007

January 19, 2007

Well today looks like another busy one for me. I have to get dressed in a few minutes in our new Shirts and vest and go play with The Harmonika Rascals in Sherwood park for some sienors. Then tomorrow we have to play at a funral in Stoney Plain from 1 to 2 pm. Got up early and went to Tim's for coffee at 6am. came home and called Tanya because I hadn't seen her on the blog or heard from her on the phone so thought that she might be sick. Guess she has just been real busy and tired. I know the feeling some times but I can go take a nap because I don't have 4 or 5 little one to keep me awake. But she is fine, just tired I guess. Anyway got to talk to the grandkids for a while too. They sure do brighten up Grandpa's day. Sure do love them little ones and the big ones too.Well guess I should get going or I'll be late and (I Hate To Be LATE). I would sooner be and hour earlier thatn to be a minute late. Don't ask my why but that's how it is. Well I'm gone .
Love you all bye 4 now.

Monday, January 15, 2007

Monday morning

Good morning everyone. Well I went to breakfast with the Seniors at A&W this morning at May field Common. They were all upset because Jorge didn't go. Everyone asked where he was. It is so neat to see how people care about our family. They all enjoy talking to Jorge about Chili and what him and Mandy will be doing there for the next little while.
Yesterday was a long day at Church. I got home about 2pm. Mandy made a Delicious dinner and we had Jay and his wife Karen over for dinner. It was great. Jay and Jorge played a game that Jay brought over on the TV. After that we just laid around and took it easy. Wendy had to work last night so she left at 5:30pm. I watched some football and Law and Order for a while and then went to bed.
I am going bowling at 11 this morning and then I have to go to St. Albert and pick up Hank and go to Dirks and exchange a couple of vest for The Rascals that are a bit too large for the guys.
I don't want to spend to much of my afternoon because Wendy is off for the next 4 days and I really enjoy spending time with her. Hope she feels the same way about it. Ha ha.
Well bye for now and have a great day.

Friday, January 12, 2007

Friday Morning

Jorge and I went to breakfast this morning at Happ's. He was really proud of himself because he ordered all by himself. (Bacon and eggs, sunny side up with white toast) His English is getting better all the time. The lady said (perfect).
Well I think I'll go bowling at 12:30 at the Mall. They have a buckshot game every Friday. It cost you $10.00 for 4 games. It is called Buckshot because the rules are different than regular bowling. You only have to get 9 pins with the first ball and they give you a strike. When you get 4 strikes in a row then you put your name on the buckshot list. At the end they pay for high game, high series and then everyone that got 4 strikes has to start bowling and the one that gets the most strikes wins the buckshot. It's a bit different but fun.
I have to go walk in the Mall. Sigh my walking partner is working . Sorry Wendy. Maybe Jorge and I will go over a little early and I can bowl a couple of games with him. We'll see. Want to hear something scary ? I am going to attempt to clean up some of my programs on this stupid computer.AAAaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. Hope Tom is home latter I might just have to call him eh?
Well off we go with Camera in hand. You never know what you might see in the Mall eh?

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Wednesday evening

Hi everyone. Guess it's about time I wrote something in this old blog eh? Today I did a bit of snow shoveling first thing and then walked to the Mall to bowl at 9am. Did pretty good at bowling. I bowled 180,222 and 162. Not bad for an old fellow eh? I met Wendy at the Mall and we walked for about 1/2 hour or so and then my leg started to hurt so I quit. Wendy walked a bit more and then we came home and I shoveled some more snow. It sure was cold out there. Wendy has been off for 4 days it has been fun having her around the house. We watched some CD's of Andy G and (napped a bit) but I think I saw most of it. I spent some time reading most of the blogs and that sure takes some time. Plus I was looking at all the pictures on Tanya Challenge site. Wow is there a lot of pictures on there. It is fun and I'm glad to see so many putting pictures on it.Good job guys. Wonder what Tanya will come up with next???Hope you all have a great evening. Bye for now. I'll be watching to see who's reading my blog.

Friday, January 05, 2007

January 5, 2007

Well not much happened today. Got up and read my bible and then Wendy and I went to the Mall and walked for a while. Came home and then I was feeling pretty good so I went to the bowling alley and bowled in The Buckshot that they have every Friday. I won the buckshot so that was fun and I made a little money. At the end (If) you get 4 strikes in a row in one of the 4 games. You bowl until you stop getting strikes. I didn't have to through too many. Only needed 5 in a row to win and guess what I did? They also pay for high game and high single game . There only was 11 of us there today. I have been looking at Tanya's monthly challenge and not sure I can find a picture for all those questions but it sounds like fun. Maybe I will try it. I did read up a bit on my camera today. So she has me thinking eh? Well that my story for today and I'm sticking to it.

Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Monday Afternoon/Evening

We had a great New Year's Eve. I played with The Kompanions at The Iron wood Estates. It was a lot of fun and the people really enjoyed it. One advantage of playing on New Years for older people is we were home by 11:00pm. I got home and Wendy and I watched a movie until 12:30 Then Mandy and Jorge came home and we had a bit of wine and heard a pizza calling at 2:00am. I think we finally called a night about 3:00am. Didn't do too much yesterday but did watch lot's of FOOTBALL and gave the old recliner a good workout. Bob and Kristy came for supper and that was pretty much our day. They had to leave right after supper because they are working people eh??
It is a New Year and things were going well for while. Then this morning Wendy wanted me to get her something out of our bathroom cabinet and guess who was perched in there. Ya you guessed it, it is Matilda. Hopefully she won't stay there too long. Then Wendy started taking down all the Christmas decorations and the tree. What a mess that was. I had a doctors appointment at 1:30pm. When I got back Wendy was just getting ready to leave so I just got out of my truck and got in her car and off we went to Wall marts. Couldn't believe the lines in there but if you want the stuff you wait eh? From there it was off to Save-on Foods and bought a few things. Then we drove to the Flag Shop and bought a New Canadian flag. Our is pretty fadded and ratty looking. Then we stopped at Pets Mart and bought dog food. After that we went to The Cheese Cake and met Mandy and Jorge for Supper. So I guess you could say we are back in the grove for 2007.
Oh ya here is a picture of The Kompanions playing at Ironwood Estates on New years Eve. The Ironwood booked us for 2008/2009 right after we finished playing.
I pray that you all will have a Happy and a Healthy 2007.