The Kompanions (Benny,Floyd and Hank)

The Harmonika Rascals (Hess, Nester, Hank, Floyd and Benny)

One of The Chromatic Harmonicas that I play
Well today was another busy day for me. It started this morning by bowling with the seniors league. I didn't do so well today but it is always good to meet and chat to a lot of the guys at the bowling alley. Surprisingly I am one of the younger ones. It seems they are all older than me. Well maybe not all but most of them are. Anyway after bowling I came home and worked on a
puzzle that Wendy got out yesterday.
Then at 5:30 my friend Ron picked me up and we went to the
men's meeting at the church. We used to have a meeting at my house but some of our guys signed up for the classes at the church so we decided to go check it out. It was good but there are a lot of guys and they are doing a video and working through a book. It is a good bible study. I think I will go again next week.
Well I have a friend that commented on my blog asking about my Harmonica's and how long I have been playing and what my
favorite song is. Well lets see I started play the
Harmonica when I was 5 years old. So I guess that makes it about 66 years. Boy that sounds like a long time eh? I used to play sometimes at school and then at dances. When people know you play they would often ask me to play a song with them. I have played with a few bands back in New York but nothing ever amounted to much. Then I sort of just played at home until 10 years ago. I found out that there was a group of Harmonica players here in Edmonton that practiced at The Dutch Canadian Club. The
Harmonika Rascals. I went and listened to them and they were looking for a lead player because their lead player had passed away. It was a bit hard for me at first because I play by ear and they played a lot of Dutch music but I soon learned most of their song and became their lead Harmonica player. Then after playing with them for about a year we started a trio and called it The
Kompanions. The three of us seem to click and we played a bit different music. A lot of the 50, 60 and 70's. Then Later on about 2 year ago another group called the
Harmoniciares started. So now I play with 3 groups and play different type of music with each group. I really enjoy playing with the different groups and enjoy the
variety of songs that we play. I think because of the different groups and different songs it has made me a better Harmonica player. The Harmonica is not and instrument that you hear a lots. I play what is called the Chromatic which is not as popular as the little Harmonica's that they play the Blues on. The Chromatic is a larger harmonica and you can play sharps and flats on.With the Chromatic you play all the notes and on the small Blues harmonica you can't play all the notes so you have to what they call bend some notes to make it sound right. I really enjoy playing the harmonica but I don't find many people playing it today. One of my favorite songs is ( I only have eyes for you). It is a song that was popular when I met Wendy and it was our favorite.
Well it is getting late and I have a busy day tomorrow. Love you all and God Bless you.