Hi everyone. Well this morning at about 2:30 we received a phone call from a lady in South Africa saying our daughter Kristy had been in an accident but was okay. Then she put Kristy on the phone who was still hysterical and really shook up. The van they were in hit a patch of water from a flash flood and went into the ditch full of water upside down. Both her and the driver were trapped in their seats with the belts and couldn't release them. Their heads were under water. I guess a person that stopped saw it and had a knife and cut the seat belts and freed them. It must have been a scary few minutes. Kristy said she thought she was going to die on her birthday. God is so good they only have a few bumps and bruises and one fellow who was also in the van had a few stitches but nothing real bad. Thank you Lord. I can't imagine hanging upside with my head under water and not be able to get the belt off. Thank you Lord for sending an angel (angle)there with a knife to cut them free. They were all taken to a hospital and released after the one fellow got some stitches. He was able to crawl out of the van because he didn't have a seat belt on. Makes you wonder eh? They maybe could have been hurt worse if they hadn't had them on. I just thank God that they are alright.
God has been working in our lives for the pass few days. Wendy had a lump come up in her neck about a week ago but they found out that it is just a small cyst on her Thyroid and told us that it is nothing to worry about for now. I had and appointment with the cancer doctor and he said that (I will live until I die) things look real good and I have to go back in 6 months for a check up.
Well then this morning we got an e-mail from Wendy's uncle in England telling her that her aunt Joyce had gone to meet the Lord. I think she was about 92.
We have 2 of our grandchildren that stayed over night with us for the first time last night. Amelie is 4 and Kellen is 3. We had to go to the bakery this morning and get doughnuts and before they go home we have to go get slurpies. It's kind of important to a 3 and a 4 year old eh? How come I never got a slurpee when I went to my grandfathers. I guess because they didn't make them back then eh? Sigh. Well that's my story and I am sticking to it. Love you all and God Bless you.
Thanks for being my best friend, honey. Thanks for holding me, crying with me, and praying with me through the night. I couldn't have done it without you. Thanks for helping me with the little ones...they are so precious. I am blown away, once again, by God's grace, mercy, and love. That He protected our baby and brought her through.... I love you!
Thanks so much Daddy...for your prayers and your love. God is so good!!
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