Hi Babe. Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday dear Kristy , Happy Birthday to you. I sure do miss you. I love you sooooooooooooooooo much. How did Daddy's little girl get so grown up and so far away? I thank God for you every day. You are such a Blessing to us. It is so good to see God working in your life.
God sure has given us some great times together :-) . I love to hear you laugh :-D . I used to have fun hiding little sticky notes O:-) . I remember putting you to bed when you were little. Not sure which one of us went to sleep first. ha ha :-[ . I think I slept in the bottom bunk bed more than anybody. ;-). We sure had lots of fun camping :-P . Never did hear the story Mum was reading. sigh :-( . When you were real little I used to hide in the bedroom and you would come down the hall and I would jump out. You laughed so hard. :-D . You were always quick to share everything that you had with your sisters :-) . You were always quick to show you sisters and your Mum how much you loved them :-) . I think you cried more when they were hurt than they did. :'( . I love you Kristy with all my heart and I pray that this will be a great Birthday. You will always be Daddy's little girl. :-* . I look forward to reading what you have written in my day timer every day.
Happy Birthday Babe. Love you Dad
Awwww....Daddy! Thank you so much for this post. It brought so many tears to my eyes - I just love you so much and have loved spending all my time with you. All those memories you shared...wow...we sure have so many good times. I love you with all my heart..wish you were here to celebrate with me :-)
With all my love,
PS...don't worry...I will always be, Daddy's little girl!
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