Well here it is Tuesday and I have had a busy day. Boy how the time does fly weather your having fun or not. sigh. Today I got up had breakfast and headed to the Cactus for coffee. The I went over to the Senior's Club and helped Dwayne move all the table and put the chairs against the wall. Then I came home and went in the garage and moved things to the side because I took down all the shelves I had up so I can put the ceiling up when Jorge comes. Then I drove to Lethbridge and went to Tanya and Tom's for Tea and measured up the change table she wanted me to look at. Then I came home and picked up some branches and took them to the back. I was going to rake some leaves but the wind was blowing too hard. We have a big Willow tree in our back yard and when the wind blows hard a lot of branches blow off the tree. Some are about 1/2" in diameter. I pick up from that stupid tree almost every day. You would think that they would stop breaking off. They must grow back fast. Then I cooked supper for Wendy and I.
Yesterday I curled for the first time and it was fun. I think it will take a bit of time to get good at that game but I am going to try. Now I have to go buy shoes and a broom. Then I will have to learn to yell HARRRRRRRRRRRRRD. Just when the other guys are sweeping eh?? I guess I am the youngest guy there. One of the fellows is 87 and he throws a mean rock. Hope I am that good at 87. Actually hope I can at least go watch at 87. ha ha. I was surprised that it is pretty cheap to curl for the Seniors. Well We might go over top Tanya and Toms again tonight so guess I am out of here for now. Hope and pray that you all have a great day and God bless you all.
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Wednesday October 15, 2008
Today was a real busy day for me. After checking my e-mail and of course face book and reading all that stuff I decided to go out side and trim some branches off a pine tree we have in the front of our house. The telephone wires were rubbing on some of the branches. With winter coming I thought that maybe today would be a good time to do it. There were more branches than I had figured and it took me until about 12:30. Then I went down to the Cactus restaurant for lunch. They have a Wednesday special (Stake sandwich and french onion soup). I don't go to often but I really enjoyed it today. I just might have to go again next Wednesday.
After lunch I loaded my pickup with branches and some garbage I had in the garage and went to the dump. They told me at the dump that I couldn't bring anymore tree branches today because the bin was full. They said I could bring more on Saturday. I came home and decided to trim the tree at the back of the house that was touching our roof. A bigger job than it looked. So up on the roof I went with saw's in hand. I had to cut about 7 branches and they were quite large. Then I decided to clean the eve's while I was up on the roof. About 4:30pm. I came down and put the saws and ladder away. Then I went out back and drug most of the branches that I cut off down to the back gate. I probably have about 3 or 4 loads to take to the dump but I have to cut them into pieces not larger than 4 feet. While I was dragging them down I slip and hurt my back a bit but I don't think it will be to bad. It does hurt a bit but I'm tough right? Tomorrow I'll drag the rest of them down to the gate, cut them in to pieces and then I probably should rake the lawn next to the house and clean that up. I also have to dump all the fountian out and put them away for the winter before it gets too cold. They had ice in them this morning. Then Friday I should rake off the back 2 lawns and clean the garden up. Guess I have my work cut out for me for a few days eh? Good thing that I don't have a job eh?? I don't think I would have time for a job. ha ha.
Well tomorrow is another day. I thank God that I am able to do all this stuff. God Bless you all ahd have a great day. Love you all.
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Oct. 14, 2008

This morning I went to a Seniors breakfast here in Picture Butte. They do it once a month. There was about 50 people there. I had a free breakfast because last month I won the draw. They draw names for 2 free breakfast every month. Then I took Mandy and Josiah to Lethbridge and Mandy picked up her car from Canadian Tire.Mandy and Josiah are staying with us for the rest of the week. He sure is a cute little man. After dropping them off I went to Totem's then to Home Depot and Wall- Mart looking for a Silicone spray but had no luck. Wendy has a roll top desk and I thought that I could spray it with Silicone it would work better but can't find it down here. Maybe when we go to Edmonton I will stop at Superior Lumber and buy some.
Then this after noon I went outside and blew the water lines out with the air compressor so they won't freeze this winter. The wind has been blowing real hard for the last couple of days and has blown most of the leaves away. I have to make a trip to the dump with some tree branches and some grass cuttings that were left here by the people we bought from.Sometime in the next couple of day I have to trim some branches from the tree out front of our yard because they are rubbing on the phone lines that come into our house. Guess I should do that before I go to the dump with the other branches. If is is nice tomorrow I am going to do that.
Wendy is happy that Mandy and the little guy are here. It's nice to have them for a week. Jorge had to work so he had to go back on Monday afternoon. I'm hoping it will be nice tomorrow and I can get some of the stuff done outside before it really gets cold.
Well God Bless you and have a great week. Love you all.
Oh maybe you could just pray that maybe Wendy and I could find a small group. I feel we should get into one for sure. Thanks.
Wednesday, October 08, 2008
Wednesday has been quite a day so far.
Hi everyone. Well this morning at about 2:30 we received a phone call from a lady in South Africa saying our daughter Kristy had been in an accident but was okay. Then she put Kristy on the phone who was still hysterical and really shook up. The van they were in hit a patch of water from a flash flood and went into the ditch full of water upside down. Both her and the driver were trapped in their seats with the belts and couldn't release them. Their heads were under water. I guess a person that stopped saw it and had a knife and cut the seat belts and freed them. It must have been a scary few minutes. Kristy said she thought she was going to die on her birthday. God is so good they only have a few bumps and bruises and one fellow who was also in the van had a few stitches but nothing real bad. Thank you Lord. I can't imagine hanging upside with my head under water and not be able to get the belt off. Thank you Lord for sending an angel (angle)there with a knife to cut them free. They were all taken to a hospital and released after the one fellow got some stitches. He was able to crawl out of the van because he didn't have a seat belt on. Makes you wonder eh? They maybe could have been hurt worse if they hadn't had them on. I just thank God that they are alright.
God has been working in our lives for the pass few days. Wendy had a lump come up in her neck about a week ago but they found out that it is just a small cyst on her Thyroid and told us that it is nothing to worry about for now. I had and appointment with the cancer doctor and he said that (I will live until I die) things look real good and I have to go back in 6 months for a check up.
Well then this morning we got an e-mail from Wendy's uncle in England telling her that her aunt Joyce had gone to meet the Lord. I think she was about 92.
We have 2 of our grandchildren that stayed over night with us for the first time last night. Amelie is 4 and Kellen is 3. We had to go to the bakery this morning and get doughnuts and before they go home we have to go get slurpies. It's kind of important to a 3 and a 4 year old eh? How come I never got a slurpee when I went to my grandfathers. I guess because they didn't make them back then eh? Sigh. Well that's my story and I am sticking to it. Love you all and God Bless you.
Tuesday, October 07, 2008
A Happy Birthday to Kristy in South Africa

Hi Babe. Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday dear Kristy , Happy Birthday to you. I sure do miss you. I love you sooooooooooooooooo much. How did Daddy's little girl get so grown up and so far away? I thank God for you every day. You are such a Blessing to us. It is so good to see God working in your life.
God sure has given us some great times together :-) . I love to hear you laugh :-D . I used to have fun hiding little sticky notes O:-) . I remember putting you to bed when you were little. Not sure which one of us went to sleep first. ha ha :-[ . I think I slept in the bottom bunk bed more than anybody. ;-). We sure had lots of fun camping :-P . Never did hear the story Mum was reading. sigh :-( . When you were real little I used to hide in the bedroom and you would come down the hall and I would jump out. You laughed so hard. :-D . You were always quick to share everything that you had with your sisters :-) . You were always quick to show you sisters and your Mum how much you loved them :-) . I think you cried more when they were hurt than they did. :'( . I love you Kristy with all my heart and I pray that this will be a great Birthday. You will always be Daddy's little girl. :-* . I look forward to reading what you have written in my day timer every day.
Happy Birthday Babe. Love you Dad
Saturday, October 04, 2008
Oct. 4,.2008
Well this is way over due. Where do I start. We have been busy and with the great weather that seem to make things a little busier. Not a whole lot exciting has been happening. I caught a cold and that put me down for a few days. Wendy has been working quite often lately so I have just been doing things around here that need doing and that never seems to end. I ran out of wire and had to go get some more underground wire for the bird baths. I put 3/4" pipe into the ground behind each bath and ran underground wire to each one. Now I can just plug the wire into the outlet in the garage and I have power to each bird bath with out running extension cords all over. Digging the wire in was not a fun job with all the tree roots but with the axe and a good spade I got it in. I finished insulating the garage ceiling and now am just waiting for help to put the OSB board on the ceiling. Jorge and Tom are coming for Thanksgiving dinner maybe after dinner I can get them to help me put it up. The garage is about 13 1/2 ft. high so I really can't do it myself. Wendy and I have been walkng a bit lately. We have been walking around our lake here and it is just beautiful now.
Wendy's car overheated yesterday and weI got up at 5:45 this morning and drove to her job and we took the car to Fountain Tire and they are going to look at it on Monday. Not sure what that will cost but it has to be fixed. Good thing we have the third car's eh? She took the Saturn to work tonight. Tomorrow is her birthday so I baked a cake this afternoon. You probably didn't know that I am a baker too.
It sure has been quiet here since the kids moved. For the last 2 weeks we have gone to a Baptist church here in Lethbridge. Park Meadows I believe it is.
Tomorrow Tanya is going to run the 5 klms. for the Brest Cancer fund. I am going to meet them tomorrow morning about 9 and go watch and cheer her on and hopefully get a couple of pictures. Wendy's birthday is tomorrow and then on Monday our little Kellen is going to turn 3 and then on the 8th. it is Kristy birthday. So we have lots of birthday this month.
We still haven't got into a small group yet. We did go to 3 Seniors lunches. One with the Alliance Drive seniors, one with the Park Meadows Baptist and one with the seniors here in Picture Butte. I have been eating well anyway eh?
I still haven't found a music group yet but haven't looked to hard. Well I guess that about it for today. God Bless each one of you and have a great day.
Wendy's car overheated yesterday and weI got up at 5:45 this morning and drove to her job and we took the car to Fountain Tire and they are going to look at it on Monday. Not sure what that will cost but it has to be fixed. Good thing we have the third car's eh? She took the Saturn to work tonight. Tomorrow is her birthday so I baked a cake this afternoon. You probably didn't know that I am a baker too.
It sure has been quiet here since the kids moved. For the last 2 weeks we have gone to a Baptist church here in Lethbridge. Park Meadows I believe it is.
Tomorrow Tanya is going to run the 5 klms. for the Brest Cancer fund. I am going to meet them tomorrow morning about 9 and go watch and cheer her on and hopefully get a couple of pictures. Wendy's birthday is tomorrow and then on Monday our little Kellen is going to turn 3 and then on the 8th. it is Kristy birthday. So we have lots of birthday this month.
We still haven't got into a small group yet. We did go to 3 Seniors lunches. One with the Alliance Drive seniors, one with the Park Meadows Baptist and one with the seniors here in Picture Butte. I have been eating well anyway eh?
I still haven't found a music group yet but haven't looked to hard. Well I guess that about it for today. God Bless each one of you and have a great day.
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