Well I guess i should update this silly old blog. Not sure if anyone is reading it much but guess some are . Well where do I start? It has been a busy week for sure. Wednesday and Thursday I was at The Cross Cancer Hospital. Wednesday it was just a registration and information about the Hospital. I received my Red Cancer Card that I have to show every time I go there.They talked to us about the Hospital and what they do there and what to expect when we are there. They were very friendly and informative. They even gave us all a tour of the Hospital. There were about 20 of us there.
Thursday was a busy day for Wendy and I. First thing in the morning I got up and took Madison to the dog kennels in Stony Plain and then came back home and we loaded the car because we were going to Lethbridge right after we finished at the Hospital. We were going down to see Adriana and Erylin dance at 6:30pm that evening. We got to the hospital about 9:30am. and waited for about a half hour and then a nurse came and talked to us for another half hour. Then we met Dr Peterson who told us that the last PSA test was up again and he was a bit concerned. Then he examined me and said that he felt that the cancer has gone to both sides of the Prostate gland. Now I have to go back on May 18th. and they are going to do a Bone scan at 8 am. and then at 10:30 I think it is they are going to do another PSA test and then at 3 or 3:30 they are going to do a cat scan. Guess they don't do dog scans eh? Then on May 24th I have to go back and get the test results and hopefully find out what type of treatment they are going to do.
I felt bad for Wendy because I know she wasn't comfortable going back to the Cross because she used to take her Mom there when she had cancer. I am so glad she went with me. She is such a sweetie and I sure do Love her.
Well anyway after we got out of the hospital at about noon we headed for Lethbridge. If you read Wendy's blog she will tell you about the trip down. We made it on time (good thing she slept a little while) or we probably would have been a bit late.
Yesterday was another busy day. I ran to the kennels first thing and got Madison and brought her back home and then change into my Dutch costume and headed to St Albert and picked up my friend Hank and off we went to the Dutch Club where we played with The Harmonika Rascals from 11 am until 4 pm. We took a couple of breaks and walked around and got something to eat and checked out the market. There were lots of people at the market and I think it was very good. We had lots of people listening to us all day long and got a few request but basically played Dutch music. We finished at 4 and then had to tear down all the equipment and put it away and then load the truck with the things we take home and I think I got home about 6 pm. All in all it was a good day and it kept my mine busy. However lots of people came up to me and told me that they were praying for me and many gave me a bit of encouragement. I didn't realize how many people knew about my cancer. I guess word travels fast eh?
Today it was church and Wendy and I both had to work. I had to count and Wendy worked in the Book store. After church I cooked lunch. I made a salad and boiled some potatoes and BBQ ed some chicken. It was good. Then Wendy and I sat on the couch for a bit before she had to go to work. Wendy left for work at 5:45pm.and she'll be back home at 7 tomorrow morning.
Well tomorrow I have a busy day again. I will have breakfast with the seniors and then not sure if I am going to bowl or not but we'll see, then I have to go to St Albert and look at a deck for a lady. Well thats my story and I'm sticking to it .
Honey, we *do* read your blog. I don't know how many times in the past 10 days I've looked and just seen the photo. Don't take me wrong, I like the photo, but it's time to move on!!
I'll always be by your side...through thick and thin...good times and bad!
Love you!
I do too. I read your blog butttttt I am very lazy to write in english and is not silly blogggg , you blog is vey interestingggggggggg take care.....see you soonnnnnn Sulay.
Thanks Sulay. We sure do miss you guys. Hope things are going good for you. How's those little ones doing?
yumping in all house jajajaja sulay.
Thanks for taking the time to write this blog. It is a great way for us to keep up on what you are doing and your thoughts!
Love you Dad and I am praying for you in this rough time. If you need anything just ask! An ear, a visit? Whatever!!
Your in my thoughts and prayers Floyd. I read your blog too, so keep on writing for all of us as it blesses us :)
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