Here it is Monday morning and God has given us another beautiful day. I'm excited to see what he has planned for me today. I have had a great weekend. Wendy went on a ladies retreat so I went to the lake. Me and Madison. She just loves the lake. I got there about 7:30 Friday evening. It was the first time out there this year. I opened the trailer and swept all the spiders off the front door and windows along with all the dead
mosquito's and then wiped down the whole trailer, walls and cabinets. Started the fridge and brought in all the things that I had in the back of the truck. Bedding, food,water,cleaning supplies, toilet paper and all that stuff that we think we need out there. Then I realized that I didn't bring my radio so it was kind of quiet out here. I was the only one here. Well about 10:30 I finished raking around the trailer and decided to go in and sit down for a few minutes. Made the bed up and thought that I would just lay down and read my Bible a bit. And that's exactly what happened because I probably only read for about 5 minutes before falling asleep. I woke up about 12:30, put my Bible on the shelf and got into bed. It was quite cool so I lit the furnace and off I went until about 7:30 Sat. Morning when Madison woke me up to go out. Then I decided to go into Alberta Beach and have breakfast as it was real quiet and Madison don't say much. Had breakfast and bought a few things at the store and came back to the trailer. As we drove in a big skunk was walking down the drive and just went under the deck right behind my trailer.
Fortunately Madison was running along side of my truck and never saw the skunk. I quickly stop the truck and made her get into the truck and then parked it and left her in there. That was a close one. I then put her in the trailer for a few minutes until I made sure that stupid old skunk was gone. She was not impressed but I didn't have any tomato juice and I didn't want her to get after that
skunk again. That happen twice in the last 2 years. Well anyway then I got the boat out and off we went fishing. I got 2 Walleyes and 2 jack. Just when I got the last Jack my cell phone rang and so I scrambled to get that and keep the fish on the line at the same time. It was my son in-law Bob and he asked if I wanted some company. He and his dad (Art)and Hudson his dog came out and they stayed until about 8pm. Art and I went into Alberta Beach and bought some smokies and we built a fire in my fireplace and we cut some sticks and cooked the smokies over the open fire. Madison and Hudson had a ball
chasing each other around. Then Bob and Art left for home and I just sat and watched the fire. About 10pm. I
decided to go in and about 2 minutes later I had a knock on my door asking if I was lonesome. It was Gill our neighbor and he had just came up to the lake by himself. So we put a few more logs on the fire and chatted for about an hour. Sunday morning it was a bit cloudy and the wind was starting to come up. Mattie and I went fishing and only stayed about an hour as it was getting pretty choppy out there. Never even got a bite. Then Benny and Ann came out and they opened up their trailer and we had coffee. Ann makes good coffee. I helped Benny rake around our friends trailer (Gordon) so he won't have to do it when he comes out.
Well I got home about 3pm. Sunday afternoon. Wendy got home about 4 minutes after I did. I showered and headed off to Harry
Waranka for his retirement party. Wendy decided not to go as she had to get up at 4:3o am for work and thought she would rest up for tomorrow. Anyway off I went and the party was great and I had lots of fun and met lots of people I hadn't seen in a while. I got home and Wendy had already gone to bed so I crawled into bed and almost went to sleep when the door bell rang and we both sprang out of bed wondering who that could be. It was 2 young Police officers asking about if it was me that called them and something about some guy that was taken to the hospital. I was
totally in the dark about this and said no it wasn't us that called but he assured me that the phone call came from my house. Then Wendy came out and said oh yes it was her that called and the young guy was beaten up and sprayed with some kind of spray and taken to the hospital.
Ok shut my mouth and listened. Next time I'm out when I get back I think I will wake her and ask her if there is any thing I should know. Wow What a
surprise. The 2 police officers must have thought that I was stupid or on something eh?
Well today was another day of just being busy. I went to breakfast at A&W with the seniors and then came home and Wendy had come home from work sick. So I loaded my truck with some tools and decided to go help Bob's Dad, Art put some
OSB board down for a floor on his new shed that he is building. First I
drove to the north side and ordered 2 orders of eves trough for a couple of jobs for tomorrow and the next day. Art is building his shed from material that he gets going to see some of the housing contractors and cleaning up around the houses for them. So we had to do lots of cutting.
I got home about 4:30 and had some supper and then here I am finishing my blog.