I woke up to the sound of little feet this morning. Haven't heard that in a little while. We have Tanya and Tom and the 4 little ones here. They sure do brighten up a home. My floors are covered with toys and the kids are having a ball. It is good to see all the toys being used and even the toys look happier. We have a closet 10ft. wide and 8ft. high filled with old toys the girls had. They got here Wed. evening about 9:30pm. Yesterday we all went to the Mall to Fantacy Land and the kids had lots of fun and rides. Then we came home had supper and after the kids went to bed Tanya,Tom, Wendy and I watched a movie.It was fun. I love it when the house is full of people and kids. Kristy and Bob are coming up tonight for the week end. Ya-hoooo. Got a busy day ahead of us so I should get going. I have a doctors appointment at 11 and then I'm sure the kids will have lots of things to do.Will try to keep you up to date with all the happenings.
Yahoo - I can't wait to see you Daddy! I love you so much and will be praying for you, while you go and see the doctor.
Glad you are having fun with the Listers, see you soon!
Love you!!
Ooh! Wow! The kids sure have grown and changed so much since that picture was taken. Glad you are enjoying having the grandkids there to visit! Praying for you Floyd!
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