Friday, September 24, 2010

September 24, 2010

Well guess you better check this out. Another post in the same week. Wow am I doing good or what??
Well it has been really nice for the last 2 days and I am glad. Yesterday I went out back in our shed and cleaned it up and have made a bit of room for the fountains . It is so nice out I almost hate to put them away but I know that this weather won't last to long. I saw a few mouse droppings and a hole in one of our chair cushions. I set 3 traps and this morning had 2 mice. Guess I'll reset them for sure.I was thinking of getting some mouse poison but then if the mouse eats that and dies and one of the neighbors cats eat it will they die too?? I don't want to start a war with the neighbors and I guess our dog could eat one if she found it outside of the shed.

Well today I went for coffee and got lots of comments about our playing that I did last night at the seniors center. We had a pretty large crowd and they really liked us. I had fun doing it and didn't miss to many notes. ha ha. That always helps. Barry also did a real good job. I thought that we sounded pretty good but what do I know eh? Wendy worked last night from 7 to 7 so she wasn't able to come and listen.
This  morning I went shopping and bought some eggs, bread, orange juice and some bacon for the Men's Breakfast tomorrow morning at the church. It is at 8:30am if any of you guys can make it. So far only about 12 are coming but we are hoping for more.

Wendy just left for Red Deer and is going to meet Kristy and then they are going to Edmonton. I have to take our dog Matty  to the pet shop and she is getting a bath and her nails cut.I just had to give her a good brushing yesterday as she went out back and got into some bushes and was just covered with little burs in her hair. I'm sure the Pet shop would not be happy trying to get them out. She is a good old dog but guess I have to watch her so she don't get into them again.

I'll have to post on Sunday and let you all know what Wendy and Kristy buys at the auction. I told her if she buys something she has to throw something out to make room for the new item. Not sure that will work.ha ha. The other day Tanya and Wendy came home with an old chair (which is Tanya's) and an old tricycle. Looks like is is really old. Well right now they are both in my garages. sigh. Tanya says she is going to paint the chair and then I hope she takes it home. The bike I guess I'll have to live with unless someone steals it (I hope).Ha ha fat chance of that eh?
Oh well life is like that around my house.
Well guess I have to get ready and take the dog in, so I had better post this and get going. Have a great day and God Bless you all.

1 comment:

Wendy said...

Well. Your true feelings come out in your blog! I am going to paint the trike and then thought the kids would love to go up and down the street on it. I need to rearrange the shed so that I can get it in there and out of your garage, apparently! Ha ha. Sigh. Well, at least we didn't get anything at the auction that will go out there.

Love you...