Thursday, January 14, 2010

Jan.14, 2010

We here I am again. Wendy just went to work and I have to do something to keep my mind busy. I haven't been feeling the greatest lately and don't really know why. Just feel over tired, no ambition and if I do go out and walk or something I am done in right away. Must be getting old I guess. Oh well I'll probably live until I die.
Today Wendy and I walked down to the church which is only a half a block away, There are 2 houses between us and the church so it ain't far. Wendy is trying to set up a Library with the books that are there. We were only there for about 2 hours and then we came home and had lunch. Then I read my bible and answered a few e-mails and watched TV with all the news about Haiti. My heart sure goes out to those people. With the pictures you see on TV there is not many if any houses standing. I just pray that aid will arrive as soon as possible and that God will give the people peace and courage to survive this great disaster.It sure makes you feel helpless.
Well looking on the bright side of things. Yesterday and Today I had the privilege of delivering Meals on Wheels to 2 people here in Picture. It only took me about 15 minutes. Both of the people are not able to get around much and they both have walkers. I am happy that we have this service for people that live here in Picture Butte.
I received an e-mail from my friend Bruce who preached at the Hope Mission on Tuesday evening and there were 10 or 12 guys that raised their hand to receive God in their lives. Good job Bruce. Keep up the good work. Pastor Peter and I have been talking about starting up a Men's group and I hope that we can get that going soon. We are having a Pot Luck Lunch on Sunday at our church right after service. I am looking forward to getting to know some of the people better.
Our weather has changed and we are having some real mild weather for a change. I got my new snow blade for my garden tractor on Tuesday and it took me almost all day Wednesday to get it put on. It works much easier than I thought it would and I really like it. Now all I have to do is wait for it to snow again. Come on snow I'm ready for you. haha.
Well it is almost 8 pm. and Wendy won't be home until 7:30 tomorrow morning. Have a great day and may God Bless you all.


Wendy said...

I wondered if you would blog after I left. I'm praying for you, honey, that you will feel better soon. You should call the doctor tomorrow and go see him...

I hope we won't, but I'm sure we will get some more snow before winter is over - I'm looking forward to seeing how your little tractor works!!

I love you....

a Christian said...

Hey, if you folks want some snow, we can send you some! Never had so much in a hundred years, they say -- and it lasted over two weeks! (No, I'm not kidding!)

Nice to hear from you, Floyd. Take care of yourself at least until you get over here for your next European visit. :-)

When I think of you two I find it hard to picture you anywhere else but in the west end of Edmonton. How about a picture of your new house from the street so I can get a feel for it?

Love from all of us