Where did 2008 go? Only 2 more days and then 2009. Time flies weather your having fun or not. Well this year has been a good year but a challenging one too. As you all know 2008 brought many changes in my life. Some good and some not so good. All in all I think more good than not so good.
I have been able to visit and have fun with my 5 grand children here in Lethbridge. They are growing up so fast. Little Isabella is walking now. She just turned 1 and what a cutie she is. Little Amelie is 4 and such a sweetheart. Kellen is 3 and is as big as Amelie and a bit of a wild one at times. He likes to play with the dolls when the girls play but he is all boy for sure and keeps mom and dad busy a lot. Erylin is 7 and is a Gram's girl for sure. Sticks to her like glue. Then there is Adriana. She is 11 and is as tall as her mother and growing taller everyday it seems. She is still a Papa's girl but has a bit of competition now with the other 4. Tanya and Tom are so blessed with the 5 of them. What a lovely family. We spend lots of time with them and it is fun. Wendy and I spend lots of time with them and just enjoy them so much.
As most of you know Kristy and Bob are in South Africa. They left in July and I sure do miss them.I do talk to them on MSN or Skype but that is a long ways away. Mandy, Jorge and Little Josiah are in Chile now and they left here on Dec. 9th I believe. They will be there for 2 months and then are coming home to Lacombe until Jorge starts school.I believe that is in September some time. Not sure when that is but he is looking forward to that. We are missing them a lot. Even through Lacombe is 4 hours away we often got to go see them or they would drive down to see us.
Well the sunny south ain't so sunny right now but they say it is going to get better soon. I really hope so because I am tired of winter already. Well I hate to tell you this but is has started to snow again. Maybe it is not going to get better raight away. ha ha.
We are planning to go to Flordia in the new year for a couple of weeks. We are going to Tampa to see my sister Betty and Renea first and then we are going to Beverly Hills to see Merlin and his wife Betty. Sis is going with us and stay a few days if she can get the time off.I hope she can.Wendy is looking forward to going. She hasn't see my sister in about 20 years. I am hopeing to visit my aunt Wayna whie we are down there. I thinkk she lives about and hour and half from Merlin. She lives with her daughter Linda and her husband but I don't know what town they live in.
I am hoping that this spring I will be able to find something to do and make a little money so I can buy a small garden tractor with a mower and maybe a tiller.i found last year that our 4 lawns takes the wind out of my sails and it takes me so long to spade up the garden. I hate this getting old thing but ain't no way to stop it eh? It happens to all of us I guess.
Today I called an old friend of mine Dwayne Thomas and we had a good chatt. Dwayne use to work for Loewen Window and was their sales manager for the south area. He moved to Calgary and shortly after that the company downsized and he was one of the unfortunate one and was let go.He is only 63 and I'm sure he will be able to find something to keep him busy.
Wendy and I are meeting more people thru the Seniors center.The have been very warm toward us and I am sure we will have many friends once we get to know the people around here. A lot of the seniors around here are gone from November to March. They head south when it starts getting cold and I don't blame them.I guess we are getting settled in here in Picture Butte and I kind a like the small town living. It is different but think I am going to continue to like it more as time goes on.
I haven't built any Piano Benches since we moved. Maybe they don't use them anymore eh? Of course I haven't persueded it maybe I should get off my hands a make a few phone call eh? It woould be nice if I could fine something to make a bit of spending money on now that I have my garage all set up and a heater so it will be nice and warm. Any body got any good ideas what I could build or anybody need something built? My phone number is easy to remember. 403-732-4444. Even if you don't need something built call and we could chat anyway. I seem to have a bit of time on my hands now.
I am doing a bit of stuff around the University Alliance Church but I still would like to get into a mens bible study of some kind. I think that would be fun.I really miss our old Mens group. We met for many years and that seems to be a gap in my live now. Oh well like I say time marches on and things change.
Well may God richley Bless you all in this new year.
That's my story and I'm sticking to it.
Love you all.
Daddy...I love you so very much and miss you lots! I am so thankful though for the times we meet on msn...you are so funny!
I am glad you are doing something for the church...I will be praying about you starting a mens group - I think that would be awesome and I know you can do it!
I am so happy that you and Mum are going to Florida..I know you are going to have fun!
Love you lots!!
I meant to say on here..say hi to everyone in Florida for me. Also, if you see Aunt Wayna tell her I say hi - if she remembers me, I mean..it hasnt been that long..I was there on my 14th birthday and now I'm only...ok, so it has been more then a few years!! LOL
Love you.
Ha ha ha...at Kristy's last comment - time indeed does march on! It doesn't seem like long ago until we do the math!
It's so good to see you blogging again, honey...keep it up! This year was indeed an adventure and I'm glad we did it together!
Love you,
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