Today has been a day of trying to make plans for flights to and from Chile. Mandy and Josiah and Jorge are now planning to fly here to Canada next week or the the week after. The reason for that decision is because the hospitals in Conception are now in a bad state. There is only one that is up and running and it still doesn't have running water and is at the moment very overcrowded. There are a lot of people that need attention from the Quake and also the aftershocks. As you already know that Mandy and Jorge and Josiah are all fine and were not hurt in the Quake. Their house has a bit of damage but is still livable. The church however is not safe to meet in so they are meeting outside the church or in other homes. There are some people from the church that have lost almost everything but most seem to have only had small damage. They were running low on food but now have the electric and the water back on. The police are patrolling and there is a curfew at 8 pm. We are looking forward to have them home with us for about a month and we are looking forward to our new little grandson coming.
This morning it is snowing just a little bit again.
This afternoon I should go to the church and help Peter with the boy's. Tuesday afternoons we have floor hockey for the boy and so far it is working out real well and there is about 9 or 10 boys every week.
We had our first meeting Sunday evening for the men's group. We only had only 6 men out but are looking for more men to show up this Sunday evening.
We are doing a study on(The Measure of A Man). I am really looking forward to this study.
Tonight Wendy is going to stop at Tanya's and pick up 2 or 3 of the girls for a sleepover. We really enjoy having them over. They are real sweethearts.
This past Sunday I played with the worship team. There were 10 of us. They are such a great group to work and play with. They all seem to love leading the church in song and it is lots of fun. We had about 50 people in church plus the 10 of us on stage. Well I should go get something to eat as it is getting late. I pray that you will all have a great day. God Bless you all.
I was glad to see you've updated, babe...now I won't feel so guilty - ha ha. I really should soon.
Love you!
Dido what Mum said Daddy...good to see you updating your blog, I'm behind on mine too...but I "kind of" have an excuse, haha.
Love you and can't WAIT to see you in 2 weeks!
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