Wow it has been a while since I blogged.
Well things are going well with us down here in Picture Butte. This morning it is raining so I drove to the restaurant. Well I have been going for coffee for 5 month's and never paid for a coffee until today. I had to buy all the guys coffee this morning. I think I am still ahead of the game. They bush for coffee every morning.
Last night I took my sweetheart out for dinner. It was our anniversary. She is still as pretty now as she was when we got married . However she does have a few Grey hairs now (Not from me mind you) I think it's from the kids. It has been the Best 30 years of my life. We sure have had some up and downs but God has Bless us so much. With our daughters and son in-laws and grand kids. I thank God everyday.
We have almost every thing that we wanted to do in our house finished except for the furnace which need replacing and hopefully we can get that done soon. I am insulating the garage ceiling now and should be done in a couple of days. I am kind of slow getting things done you know. Ain't as young as I used to be. Climbing around on a scaffold is not so much fun now. sigh. Oh well I am just thankful that I can still climb on it. We are thinking of going up to La comb this Wednesday and then going up to Edmonton for a few days and see some of our friends. It sounds like fun. Wendy needs a good break and she is off for 5 day's I think.
We are pretty much settled in down here and almost used to the smell. ha ha. It is raining out and our yards need the rain.
Now that Mandy, Jorge and little Josiah are gone I guess we can move some of our stuff down in the basement. Sure do miss them . Guess I'll have to learn to cook again. ha ha.
I still haven't found a group to play music with but haven't really looked to hard. Just getting involved with the Alliance Church down here so I'm sure that will make a change in our lives. I think we need to get into a small group soon. I'm sure God has it all planned for us. I sure do miss the Men's group. It will be interesting to see what God has planned for us.
Well I have better quit before I bore you too much. Have a great day and God bless you all.
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