Well this morning I got up about 6:30am and headed for the church bout 6:50am. Made coffee for our prayer group that meets every Tuesday morning. Pastor Pete e-mailed me and said he wouldn't be there and 2 of our regulars Wayne and Glen Brouwer are on their way to Mexico. On a mission trip again. Anyway I made coffee and we only had 4 of us there this morning. It is good to see the men coming out for prayer first thing in the morning. We usually get 8 or 9 guys out on most Tuesdays.
After our prayer group ended I went for more coffee with the coffee group at Eddies. I go there almost every day. Then I came home got something to eat and Wendy and went to Home Hardware and bought 5 bags of large wood chips for our flower garden. Wendy spread them and went out back and fixed a bit of fence that needed tending to. It seems there is always something to do around here.
Yesterday I planted our garden which is only half the size this year. The rest I am going to rake over and put grass seed in . I'm getting to old to have a real large garden. I was tired after only doing half. This year I planted 8 tomato plants, 6 pepper plants, 2 rows of beans, 1 row of peas a row of carrots and beets, radishes, lettuce, 4 different kinds of squash, some cucumber and some melons. That should keep me busy enough this summer plus all the flowers. Wendy spent almost all day planting flowers in the back yard and some flower pots that our grand kids gave her for mothers day last year. It was lots of work for the 2 of us but it is starting to look real pretty out there already.
Today it was so windy you really couldn't work out side. We just did a little bit out back and then Wendy had to go to work at noon for 4 hours so I came in and just played around here on the computer and played harmonica a bit . I have to learn how to play with the new background music and I am finding that it is not that easy. Maybe I'm just getting old? I still miss playing with the guys in Edmonton. We used play a lot but we always had fun. I really miss all them guys. I played with 3 groups. The Harmonika Rascals, the Kompanions and The Harmonicaires. We used to do some crazy gigs but it was always a lot of fun. Oh well enough about that guess I should get supper on . Wendy will be home soon. I see if I can find a couple of pictures of the Old Rascals

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I didn't even see this post before! Thanks for all you do, babe...I love you!
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