Well I have been busy for the last week doing gardening with the kids and putting things together here at the house. We bought a new TV center from ika.
Lets see first I think it was Friday, Wendy and I drove first thing in the morning to Calgary and went to ika to buy an entertainment center. We had it all planned and knew just what we were going to buy. We had been looking at this unit in Edmonton when we were up to see Cynthia and the kids. We measured it all up when we came home and decided to go buy it. As we left we stopped here in Picture Butte at Gas King and gassed up. Wendy asked if we should call before we went just to make sure they had them in stock but then it would mean driving 2 minutes back home and trying to phone that would probably take and hour if we could even get someone to talk to eh? So we decided to just go and hope that they had it in stock. Well we got there and went right up to the area where the TV centers were and as I was remeasuring Wendy said (Oh no! I don't think you want to hear this) and then she just pointed to a big Temporary Out of Stock sign hanging on the left side of the display. We both just looked at each other and laughed. Sigh. But we weren't going to let this make us mad. We said well we will just have to design our own TV center. They have lots of options so for the next hour or 2 we picked out different types of shelf's and bases and decided to make it work for us. Then we went for lunch and right after lunch we went back upstairs and doubled chequed to make sure what we were going to buy would work and we decided that it would. So then we grabbed a couple of carts and down we went to the warehouse to get the goods. We had about half of the stuff loaded and Wendy went over to look at the Temporary out of stock item and yup you guessed it, they had lots in stock. Again we just looked at each other and laughed. We just wasted 2 1/2 hours figuring this whole thing out and they had them in stock all the time. So! do we unload all this stuff or do we take what we had loaded and go with it. We took another few minutes and talked about it and decided that we would go with what he had just worked out. It was a bit more money but it is a bigger unit and might look better. Those units are heavy and it took us a while to get them in the truck. We couldn't close the back of the canopy door( I got a Ford Ranger, remember?)but put some string on it and home we went.When we got home we just put everything in the garage and decided we would put it together another day.
It was still a beautiful day out so we decided to go dig up some of the carrots and beets that we have in the garden. We didn't realize how many carrots we had as we only dug up one row and had a wheelbarrow full. We cleaned, cut and sliced and froze 14 bags of carrots and decided to wait on the beets. That's a lot of work doing that.
Then Saturday I put a couple of the shelves together and then Tanya, Tom and the kids came over and we dug up another row of carrots and a row of beets. 2 wheelbarrows full this time. We ate lunch outside as it was another beautiful day. We spent almost all day working at it but we did get about 20 bags of carrots and not sure about 7 or 8 jars of pickled carrots. Tanya and the kids came back on Sunday and we finished them off. It was fun and I think the kids really enjoyed it to. Kellen wanted to know why we were doing all this but he only asked about 100 times . ha ha.
I'm sure sometimes 3 year old wonder why we do lots of thing eh? It was fun doing it with Tanya and we had a good visit too. The kids played and watched some videos and played barbe's in the new play room we made, while we worked. I really enjoyed it.
Then today I went for coffee at 8:30 am with the guys and Wendy went to lethbridge. She had some errands to do and things to buy for her canning and I put the rest of the TV center together. It looks real nice and I am glad that we did it this way. Wendy is happy with it so it was all worth it eh? Well that's my story for today and I am going to stick to it. God Bless you all and have a great day.
Monday, September 22, 2008
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Tuesday morning and all is well.

Well last night Wendy, Adriana and I went to the Starfield Concert at the Victory Church in Lethbridge with Shamus and his wife Amanda. What an awesome couple. Shamus works at the radio station CKVN 98.1. We had dinner that was catered by the Guest house restaurant at the station that was really great and then we went to the Starfield Concert at the church. When we arrived at the church we were given Tee shirts and CD's. This was part of the winning the contest thing I guess. The concert was a bit loud as we were in the front row by the speakers but it really was a great concert and I enjoyed it. There was and Irish band on first and then after Starfield, Will Graham spoke. He sounded a lot like his Grandfather Billy. Gave a real simple but to the point talk and then had and alter call and lots of people went forward.
After the concert we got to go back stage and meet them all. Wendy has some of the pictures on face book.
Well today I should finish putting the underground wire in for the fountains. I only have about 25 ft to go. Our back yard still is beautiful but some of the leaves on the trees are starting to tun colors. That's a good sign that fall is on the way but it is supposed to be hot for the next few days. Well I ain't getting to much done sitting here at this silly old computer eh? God Bless you all and have a great day. Oh well at least they got the halo in the right place eh?
Friday, September 12, 2008
Friday afternoon. It has been a good day.
Wow it's been a long time since I blogged. Well today was a real special day for me. I was up on a scaffold insulating my garage ceiling when I got a phone call from CKVN (Shamus ) telling me that I won the Starfield tickets to the concert. So Wendy and I are going to the Guest house for dinner with Shamus and then to the Starfield concert. Sure sounds like fun eh? Last Sunday Adriana came to my house after church and said we should take a picture for the Starfield concert contest that Shamus was doing on CKVN. When we have the radio on in the house or in my garage or in the truck it is always on CKVN- 98.1. I really enjoy the music they play. So my sweetie and I are going to the concert on Monday at 5:30pm. with Shamus. I met Shamus at a church BBQ about a month ago. Not sure he'll remember me. I really enjoy the music he plays every day. Wendy just came home from Calgary and it is good to have her home. I really missed her for the 3 days she was gone. When I'm home alone I find myself talking to the dog alot and I'm not sure that is good. haha. She never says much so I answer for her. She is a good old dog. She sure misses the kids now that they have moved.
Mandy, Jorge and little Josiah are on their way down her for the weekend. We sure do miss them around here. We are all going to celebrate Tanya and Isabella's birthday. Tanya is -- and Isabella is 1. If you want to know how old Tanya you'll have to ask her. She is not very old for sure. Tanya's birthday was on Tuesday.
Well I finished insulating my garage and then I went out and mowed our 4 lawns then went back in a straightened up the garage. Now I have to get Tom or Jorge to help me put up some OSB board on the ceiling. I can't do that by myself. We I probably could but then I have to build a dead man and it still wouldn't be easy as the garage is over 12 feet high.Oh a dead man is a stick that looks like a tee but using it on a scaffold is not easy and i would have to work of a ladder because the scaffold is only 8 feet long. It can be done but is a bit dangerous for an old man like me.
Tomorrow morning Wendy and I are going with the Alliance Church Seniors on an outing . I think we are going to Gault Museum and then to a lunch at a golf course somewheres. It should be fun and it will be the first one with the seniors since we moved down here. Hopefully we well meet lots of new people. Ok I think this is getting to long. Have a great day and God Bless all of you.
Wednesday, September 03, 2008
Wednesday morning
Well I just finished blogging and just lost the whole thing. So Now I'll try to remember what I wrote. sigh.
On Tuesday evening we were getting ready to pack so we could leave on Wed. morning and Wendy went down to the furnace room to get a suitcase and noticed water on the floor from the hot water heater. We have been going to replace it but haven't yet. I called a fellow that Tom had recommended and because it was like 8:30pm. he just said that there was nothing he could do for us until next Wednesday. He told me to shut the gas and the water off and just leave until we get back from Edmonton next Wed. So that's just what we did. Wednesday morning about 5:30 am. we left for Lacombe to see Mandy, Jorge and little Josiah. We had to take Madison to Red Deer to the kennels as they we all full her in Lethbridge for the long weekend. We stayed there for 2 days and then headed to Edmonton to Wendy's sister Cynthia and her family. We helped her get her new house in order. We put beds,dressers and bookcases together. We also helped them put an old couch down in the basement. That was a bit of a chore but we did it. Poor Andrew worked really hard. He helped me put all those things together. We also put up curtain rods in most of the house and put new legs on the dining room table and put a TV stand together. Wendy and the girls put stuff in closets and got things all put away nice and neat. They seemed to be having lots of fun while they were doing it all. Sunday morning Wendy and I went to Beulah Alliance church and the after lunch we were invited to a BBQ with Ray and Shelia and some other Beulah people.We had a great time but I am not sure Shelia wanted us there as she tried to feed us Maple Leaf brand Hot dogs. You know the recall stuff. Friend ??? Maybe she really is a blond. What do you think?
After the BBQ we went to Leduc to visit some friends that Wendy used to work with. They served us a beautiful dinner. Shawn is a real good cook. Tammy and her husband were there and the another friend and his wife showed up. They all had lots of laughs and told stories about things that happened when they all worked together. Wendy was so pleased to see them all. It's really hard to leave all your friends when you move. That the one thing about moving is you can't take all your friends with you. Sigh. Well then on Monday morning we went to breakfast with the seinors at A&W. It sure was fun visiting with tehm all and finding out what they have been doing and thier kids of course. I really miss going to breakfast with them all. They are such nice people and God has bless us for many years with them. Thank you Lord for friends like that.
Well they put the new water heater in this morning and I guess it is about time I went outside and mowed all our 4 lawns. After being away a week they really need it. We must have had a pretty good frost as the leaves on the melons and Cucumber really look bad. I still have to pick the last of the beans and we have lot of Beets, Carrots,Corn and Onions yet to get. Well I ain't getting much done sitting here at this silly old computer. I just pray that you all are having a great day and may God Bless each one of you.
On Tuesday evening we were getting ready to pack so we could leave on Wed. morning and Wendy went down to the furnace room to get a suitcase and noticed water on the floor from the hot water heater. We have been going to replace it but haven't yet. I called a fellow that Tom had recommended and because it was like 8:30pm. he just said that there was nothing he could do for us until next Wednesday. He told me to shut the gas and the water off and just leave until we get back from Edmonton next Wed. So that's just what we did. Wednesday morning about 5:30 am. we left for Lacombe to see Mandy, Jorge and little Josiah. We had to take Madison to Red Deer to the kennels as they we all full her in Lethbridge for the long weekend. We stayed there for 2 days and then headed to Edmonton to Wendy's sister Cynthia and her family. We helped her get her new house in order. We put beds,dressers and bookcases together. We also helped them put an old couch down in the basement. That was a bit of a chore but we did it. Poor Andrew worked really hard. He helped me put all those things together. We also put up curtain rods in most of the house and put new legs on the dining room table and put a TV stand together. Wendy and the girls put stuff in closets and got things all put away nice and neat. They seemed to be having lots of fun while they were doing it all. Sunday morning Wendy and I went to Beulah Alliance church and the after lunch we were invited to a BBQ with Ray and Shelia and some other Beulah people.We had a great time but I am not sure Shelia wanted us there as she tried to feed us Maple Leaf brand Hot dogs. You know the recall stuff. Friend ??? Maybe she really is a blond. What do you think?
After the BBQ we went to Leduc to visit some friends that Wendy used to work with. They served us a beautiful dinner. Shawn is a real good cook. Tammy and her husband were there and the another friend and his wife showed up. They all had lots of laughs and told stories about things that happened when they all worked together. Wendy was so pleased to see them all. It's really hard to leave all your friends when you move. That the one thing about moving is you can't take all your friends with you. Sigh. Well then on Monday morning we went to breakfast with the seinors at A&W. It sure was fun visiting with tehm all and finding out what they have been doing and thier kids of course. I really miss going to breakfast with them all. They are such nice people and God has bless us for many years with them. Thank you Lord for friends like that.
Well they put the new water heater in this morning and I guess it is about time I went outside and mowed all our 4 lawns. After being away a week they really need it. We must have had a pretty good frost as the leaves on the melons and Cucumber really look bad. I still have to pick the last of the beans and we have lot of Beets, Carrots,Corn and Onions yet to get. Well I ain't getting much done sitting here at this silly old computer. I just pray that you all are having a great day and may God Bless each one of you.
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