Today was a busy day again. Seems all my days are busy lately. Today I insulated one wall of my garage. Only got 1 and a 1/2 to go.The walls in the garage are 10 ft. high. Not easy for an old fellow. The moving everything from one side to the other is the time taker. I Put some 3/8" OSB and then some peg board above that. I hope to have everything out of the boxes and be able to find a tool when I need it. Wendy is working again tonight. Then she will be off for 4 days. She wants us to get started with the cleaning up of the back yard. I cut a few limbs off a couple of the trees but there is lots more to be trimmed and cut and then I have to haul them away to the dump. It's a lot of work but I am starting to enjoy it. I have an eve trough problem that I would like to get taken care of so maybe I do that before she get up tomorrow afternoon. The grass is really getting green and th dandelion's are starting to come out. Guess that is about all for today. Have a great evening.
God Bless you all.
Actually what I *really* want to do is finish painting upstairs...ha ha. Then we can get out to the yard. Tomorrow I'm hoping to do the hallway and then the next day maybe our bedroom... But we'll see....
You're doing a wonderful job...thanks again, honey!!
I love this picture of you Daddy!! You are just so cute! You sure seem to be doing a lot of work...make sure you put your feet up sometimes...all work and no play, and that's not fun!!
Love you!
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