Well here it is the 27th. of November and the weather is about to turn to winter by the looks of it and according to the weather channel on TV. It is snowing very lightly right now.
Yesterday was a real busy day for me.Wendy was up about 5:30am. and left for work about 6:20. She had to be there by 7 am. After she left I took out the garbage and some stuff that Wendy and Tanya had put at the bottom of our stairs. They were busy the day before cleaning and sorting downstairs. Some of the stuff is going to good will. Mandy had left some that she couldn't take or didn't want so Tanya and Wendy put it into containers .
I went over to our Pastor house and put his garbage out on the sidewalk because they have gone away for the week. Then I went for coffee at the Cactus Restaurant and after that a friend and I went over to Eddies Restaurant and had Tea. I was coffeed out. Then I came home and went into the shop and planed down a couple of 1x6 board and made 3 shelves and painted them for Wendy. Wendy wants them put up in our bathroom. Then I went out back and took some of the branches that were blown off of our willow tree out to the back by the gate. Then I moved Mandy's Van and turned it around so the signs would show. Put the Saturn in front of the house. Did the dishes and had lunch. Then went back out into the shop (garage) and found our old fake Christmas tree that was up on a high shelf and put it by the garage door. Wendy has given it to the ladies at the church. Then I went back and cleaned up the garage and put some more of Jorge tools together on a new shelf I put up in the garage.
Then I came inside and brought my amp , mike stand and Harmonica case down stairs and sat it all up. I practiced for about an hour. Then it was time for supper and after supper I sat and watched a bit of TV. At 7:15 Wendy got home and I left to go to the seniors club to their once a month birthday evening. They keep tract of who has a birthday in the month and they had a group of singer (men) that sang for about an hour. Then they served sandwiches and Cake and Ice Cream. I got home about 9:30 and after watching the Friday Night Fights on TV I went to bed about 11:15pm.
This morning I went again for coffee and then had to go to the drug store and then cleaned up a bit more in the shop. After lunch I had to go play at Pyami Lodge here in Picture from 2:30 to 4pm.
Tonight is midnight madness in Picture Butte. They keep all the stores open until midnight and have lots of sales and things going on around town. Not sure if Wendy is going to be up for that as she worked today from 7am to 7pm . It is a long day for her. Tanya and Tom and their family are on their way to Edmonton to see Toms family and she just called and asked if I would pray for them as they have been in a traffic jam for the last 3 hours and with 6 kids in a car they are all tired of traveling and just want to get to Edmonton. They have close off highway 2 and rerouted everyone going north. They left Lefthbridge about noon. sigh. They are not to Reddeer yet so they still have a bit to go.about 1 1/2 more hours from Edmonton.
Well I have to finish this and go let my dog in.
God Bless you all and have a great day.
Wow...it sure sounds like you had a busy day! It made me tired just reading it... Thanks for all the work you do around the house and yard, honey.
Midnight Madness was kind of fun, wasn't it? I enjoyed just spending the time with you!
I got tired just reading what you wrote!! Wow...you are a busy guy!
Midnight Madness in Picture Butte...sounds kind of fun! At least you could walk and didn't have to worry about bringing the car or anything...
Love you Dad...miss you lots!! I just turned on my facebook and saw all the comments you left on my pictures....brought tears to my eyes...love you soooo much!!
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