Monday, February 09, 2009

Monday Morning Feb.9,2009

Well I am up and feel great. That's a good start anyway. Today Mandy, Jorge and little Josiah are going to head home. Pray for them as it is a long time for a little one to be on a plane. About 11 hours I think. It been a long 2 months for us and miss them very much. Wendy just got home from a 12 hour night shift and is off to bed so I can't make a lot of noise. I had planned to start making some drawer for our cabinets but I'm afraid that it might be to loud and wake her up. She needs her sleep as she works tonight also. I think I can find some things to do like get some breakfast and then go to Eddies for coffee with the guys. Then later this afternoon I'll start on the drawers. No big rush on them anyway.
Well I am back and it is real nice outside. Feels like spring. After coffee I walked to the post office and then stopped and got a new license tag for our dog. I didn't have to pay because of my age not the dogs. ha ha. Dog licenses are free to seniors. I think this afternoon I will clean out the back of my pickup and load the change table in that I built for the church.
Tomorrow morning there is a seniors breakfast at the seniors club at 8am. I have to help move all the tables afterward then I will deliver the table to the church. If I feel as good as I do now maybe I'll do a little work around the church. I'm sure there is lots of things that need doing.
I have lots of e-mails that I should write and send to people. I have been a little laxed in doing that lately. Well can't think of much else to write about so guess I end it here and try to blog again tomorrow sometime. Have a great day and may God bless you all.


Wendy said...

It sure is good to see you blogging again, honey! I'm so glad that you are feeling better! Thank you for doing the drawers in the cupboards and for letting me sleep.

Love you!

a Christian said...

I don't get time to get here oten, Floyd, but it's always nice to read you when I do. Have a nice day!
