Monday, January 05, 2009

Jan .5 ,2009 And it is still COLD

Hi everyone. Yup it is still cold here but today not so bad. Right now it is -4 C, and the wind is only blowing just a little. I just got home from curling. Wendy is still at work and won't be home until about 7:30pm. tonight. I have a 6 foot snow drift in my back yard. I can't even see my back fence.Good thing I don't need to go out there for anything. haha. Guess I don't have to worry about anyone coming into our yard through my back gate.Wendy had to shovel the snow that was piled up by our garage door this morning about 3foot high so she could get the car out.Everyone around here says that we have more snow here this year than they have had in a long time. Go figure. I move in the weather goes goofy.
Hey I think it is about time for a you all have a great day. God Bless you all.

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