Well today looks like another busy one for me. I have to get dressed in a few minutes in our new Shirts and vest and go play with The Harmonika Rascals in Sherwood park for some sienors. Then tomorrow we have to play at a funral in Stoney Plain from 1 to 2 pm. Got up early and went to Tim's for coffee at 6am. came home and called Tanya because I hadn't seen her on the blog or heard from her on the phone so thought that she might be sick. Guess she has just been real busy and tired. I know the feeling some times but I can go take a nap because I don't have 4 or 5 little one to keep me awake. But she is fine, just tired I guess. Anyway got to talk to the grandkids for a while too. They sure do brighten up Grandpa's day. Sure do love them little ones and the big ones too.Well guess I should get going or I'll be late and (I Hate To Be LATE). I would sooner be and hour earlier thatn to be a minute late. Don't ask my why but that's how it is. Well I'm gone .
Love you all bye 4 now.
Have fun playing with the guys Dad! I know what you mean about being late, Bob is the same way - we are usally at work in the mornings, half an hour before we even start work.
I love you Daddy! Talk to you later,
Hi :) Thanks for the comment on my blog! It sounds like you've had a pretty busy day today. I hope you've enjoyed it and were able to accomplish everything on your list! Do you play the harmonika with a group?? Sounds fun!
Hi Chloe. Yes to answer your question, I play with 3 groups (The Harmonika Rascals)5 of us, (The Kompanions) 3 of us and The Harmonicaires) 3 of us. Yesterday I played with The Rascals and today I am playing at a Church with The Kompanions, celebrating the life of a fellow that passed away on Monday.
Chloe if you scroll down on my blog you will see a picture of The Kompanions.
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