Monday, November 21, 2011

Well here I am again at this silly old computer. Maybe it's not silly maybe it's me that is silly. ha ha. Today is Monday the 21st. and I think this week is going to be a busy one.
Wendy is working and I am going to take my ladder over to Tanya house so they can put up some Christmas light. Wendy suggested I should put our light up today but here I sit on this computer. Sigh. I am going to get our Christmas stuff out of the garage and bring it in the house. Maybe as soon as I finish here I will attempt to put our lights up. However she did say to wait until she got home. Oh  well I normally don't listen to well anyway so we'll see.
I have to put some mud on our ceiling in our entrance way. Hope to get that done today .
Tonight I have a board meeting at 7pm. at the church and then on Wed. I chair a meeting for the Food Bank at 7pm. Tomorrow I have a prayer meeting at 7:15am. at the church and then I have to go to the Seniors Club to see where they want me to set up my amp an microphone on Thursday evening. They want me to play a few Christmas Carols there.  They have a Men's Choir  that is going to sing for them at their Birthday party that they have every month. They are supposed to sing for an hour but as the choir is all old fellows like me they want to take a break after 15 or 20 minutes and have me play a few carols and then they come back and finish. Sounds like fun eh??
Then we have a practice for the Christmas program on Tuesday evening.I have to go for a blood test n Friday and we have a Wedding on Saturday and Sunday evening we have our Truth Project at our house at 7 pm.   With all that happening   I guess I had better get off this silly computer and get to work eh??Oh well what has to get done will get done and the rest will have to wait right??
God Bless all you who read this and I pray that you will all have a great week.

Thursday, November 17, 2011

November 17,2011
Guess it is about time I updated this old blog eh? Well I have to just thank my God for my health, family and friends.
I have been feeling real good for the last few weeks. I have my garage all cleaned and can now get our new car in at night. It is a lot nicer for Wendy when she is working to just go out and get in a car that has been inside all night. However it has a real good heater and heated seats, heated windshield and rear window, heated rear view mirrors, and hands free phone and it is an automatic transmission that you can also shift it manually. Oh and you can start it with the push of a button on your key chain. Never thought that I would own one like this one. It is really nice and I enjoy driving it. Things ain't like they used to be. Makes me not want to get into my old pickup anymore with nothing power not even the steering. Ha Ha.
My garage looks really nice and I have put arborite on the benches. I can find almost everything I need now. ha ha.
We are busy at the church now with the Christmas play coming up  and all the practices with that. I have a part in that plus am helping with the building of the set too.
I have our yard all cleaned up for the winter and it looks good. Still have 2 tree stumps that I have to load on my trailer one day when I get some help but took all the branches to the dump. I did it just before it started getting cold.
My friend Darryl came over and helped me put up the drywall in our entrance way. Tomorrow I am going to put some mud and tape on it.
I have to go practice some songs on my Harmonica tomorrow at 10am. for the Seniors birthday  on the 24th. of this month. They have a men's  choir that will be singing but they don't want to sing for a full hour so they will sing for a while and then I'll play for a bit and then they will come back and sing again. They are all older fellows (my age and older) and to stand up and sing for an hour must be too much on them I guess. Oh well it should be fun.I'll be playing a few Christmas songs.
Then on Dec. 2nd. Barry and I are playing for the Seniors Christmas party. They have a full catered dinner and then a dance after.
Tomorrow night I am going bowling with a bunch of guys for a stag party for my friend Darryl who is getting married next week.

Well I guess I'll call it a night and end this silly old blog. Have a great day and my God Bless you all.

Saturday, November 05, 2011

Today it is a bit foggy out and -5 C so it is not so nice out but it is November and guess we have to expect a bit of cold weather. We have had a  great fall. Breezy but warmer than normal. I have all our fountain's put away in the shed and cleaned and ready for next spring. It was so nice out I hated to put them away but glad now that I did. We also got a bit of snow yesterday.

Wendy has been back working so I have been working in our garage(shop) trying to get it ready and cleaned out so we could put the car in when it gets cold.  Last week I bought some shelf material and I have installed a 12" shelf all around the garage 8 foot up. Our garage is about 10 foot tall on the inside. I have peg board on 2 walls and most of my hand tools and extra stuff is all hanging on there. At least now I can find most things when I need it.Yesterday I spent most of the day out there sorting nails, screws of all sizes and putting them in plastic container( Peanut Butter jars). It is amazing how much stuff you keep.

Well I am thinking that I should start building something that I could sell and make a few dollars at but not sure what to build. Any ideas??? I used to build piano benches and still have some material to do so but they are not a big seller down here. I need a product that you can't buy on line. ha ha. Oh well I'll keep praying about it and maybe God will give me some good ideas. I trust he'll find something for me to build .

Well I am going to play this Sunday on our worship team and then I play with Barry (Runaway) name of his band. It only him and I. We play at the Army Navy club on the 11th of Nov. for about 3 hours. It is a veterans dinner dance. We don't have to many gigs lined up right now maybe they are tired of hearing us. ha ha.The only other gig is on Dec.2nd. we play for the seniors Christmas party here in Picture Butte. Maybe we'll get a few few more soon. I really enjoy playing and get tired of just playing to myself down stairs.Ha ha.

Wendy is home today but has to go in at 7pm. to 11pm. tonight
They have asked me to do a Christmas program at the church called S O C C E R. (The Society of Christmas Carols Emergency Rescue).I will be one of the actors. It is a kids musical but they need a few older actors to pull it off.The songs are great and the kids do a wonderful job singing them and seem to be having fun. It sounds like fun but I am praying I will be able to remember the lines.I will have about 39 lines to remember and at my age not sure it will work.It has a real powerful message about Jesus birth. Guess I am going to need your prayers on this one.
Well guess I should go back out in the garage and bolt down a few machines on my bench. I removed them and put arborite on them.

This morning I went to the church and we had a mens coffee time. That was good.
Well God Bless you all and I pray that you'll have a wonderful day,