Friday, November 16, 2007

Friday evening November16,2007

Well as you can see I'm not a very good blogger. Sometimes I blog and sometimes I don't. I guess you could call me a hit and miss blogger eh? Well for the last few weeks I haven't felt very good and find it kind of hard to blog. Today I feel pretty good so here goes.
This morning I got up and went to the old computer and talked to my daughter Kristy, who is in South Africa. I also talked to Mandy who is in Chile and Tanya who is in Lethbridge for a few minutes. In fact we were all on line at once for a while. Then I went out and put some stuff in the shed for the winter. Should have been done a few weeks back but no snow so no rush eh? Then at 11am. I went bowling at ED's at the Mall. Didn't do great but you can't be good all the time I guess. 192, 210 214 and then 140 sigh. Then I came home got something to eat and headed over to Superior Lumber where I used to work and bought a hand rail for downstairs. Came home and put that up and then baked a cake. Wendy got home about 4:30pm. I had supper and here I am blogging . So when I finish I will put the frosting on the cake and if any of you guys want some come on over. I can put a pot of tea or coffee on and it won't take long to make. It's a yellow cake and I think I'll put a white or Chocolate icing on it not sure which one you like. haha Well I think I have blogged enough so I am going up stairs and watch a little NCIS season 3, I think. Have a great evening and God Bless you all.

Friday, November 09, 2007

Friday Afternoon November 10,2007

Well here it is November already. Boy where did the summer go. How times flies even if you aren't having fun. sigh. Today I feel pretty good. Yesterday was a bad day and we won't go into that. Sure is taking a long time to heal. Hope those doctors know what they are talking about. They say it is normal for this type of operation. I sometime wonder. Oh well nothing I can do about it except gripe eh?Yesterday I think I slept most of the day away. I did a small job on Tuesday and I think that did me in. Yesterday every bone in my body seem to ache. I just felt lousy. I didn't bowl today as I really didn't feel up to it so just hanging out with Wendy and went shopping at Superstore and then we went to Sears and then to the south side to another store. We bought a pressure cooker. Now all we have to do is learn how to use it eh? Wendy went to a cooking class last night and that got us started.
Our daughter Tanya and her husband Tom and our grandchildren are on their way from Lethbridge. It will be fun having them for the weekend. Tom got off early today so they are on their way. We went shopping this morning to stock the cupboards. They are going to th Fort Sunday to see Tom's parents. Sounds like a fun week end with lots of little feet running around.
Papa sure does love them little ones. Wendy is off work today and tomorrow so that will be good. Well I was going to bake a cake but Wendy is baking cookies so guess I'll wait on the cake thing.
Got a news letter from my friend Bill Pendergast and he is doing better and thanks everyone for their prayers.
Well thats all I have to say for right now so have a great day and God Bless you all.

Monday, November 05, 2007

Monday Afternoon

Well I guess it about time I updated this silly old blog eh? Life hasn't been too exciting so not much to blog about. So far we have had lots of people looking at our house but no one has been interested enough to make an offer. Sigh.I have had a couple of bad days but today I feel a bit better. Sure seems to be taking a long time to heal but that the way it goes I guess. I just don't seem to have the energy that I used to have and I sure get tired a whole lot quicker. Maybe I'm just getting old.(Ya think?)
Well I went for breakfast with the Seniors at A & W this morning and then after that I went bowling. Didn't do very well. Just didn't feeling like throwing that stupid old bowling ball to hard.For some reason I just didn't enjoy it to much today. Of course when you don't bowl good it doesn't help either. Wendy is working the late shift tonight and I have to go practice at the Dutch Club with the Harmonika Rascals.
Tomorrow I plan to do a little job that needs to be finished so maybe I'll feel better doing something.
have a great day and God Bless you all.